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Boosting Brain Health with Age - Naturopathic Approaches

Forgetfulness is often considered a normal part of aging. As we get older, we might all expect to notice changes in our memory, ability to focus, multitask and problem solve. Dementia is when these changes in cognition begin to impact daily functioning. With an aging population, dementia is expected to become the leading cause of disability worldwide by 2020 (4). Current treatments for dementia are limited and do not have great success rates. Finding ways to prevent, or at the very least slow the process of, age-related cognitive decline is tremendously important.

Green Tea and L-Theanine Effects on Cognition and Attention During Stress

Green tea is made from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis and has been used as a medicinal herb for over 4000 years. Many health benefits are attributed to the catechin and caffeine content, as well as that of the compound -theanine, accounting for about 50% of the total amino acids from these tea leaves.[1] In addition to chemoprotective properties, green-tea consumption has been shown to enhance...

Brain Health and How to Grow Neurons - An Evidence-Based Discussion

How to grow neurons—yes, you read that right!
There is a protein produced and used in our nervous system that helps the neurons grow in our brain, and which helps our brains work better, faster, stronger. In this article, we talk about things we can do to help increase the levels of this protein, and the research behind it.

Concussion Management - Long-Term Consequences of Repeated Brain Trauma

As Canadians, athletes are our celebrities. They win us championships and gain us worldwide recognition. They put our cities on the map and encourage future generations to continue their success. Because the retirement age for most sports is fairly young, we rarely hear about our celebrity athletes after they leave their sport. Hockey players, football players, and boxers all sustain tremendous amounts of head trauma over their career. Repetitive brain injury creates lasting effects on their physical and mental health, which we rarely hear about on the news.

Sleep and the Immune System - Naturopathic Perspectives

Hitting the hay, sawing logs, catching ZZZs— these are terms we use to describe sleep, but what is happening is more like a well-timed orchestra performance. Areas of the brain work in concert; some turn on and some turn off, directed by cues from light and chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. However, recent research suggests that sleep is not a process confined to the brain but that can receive input from the entire body, most prominently through the immune system.

The Benefits of Breastmilk - Beyond Nutrients and Antibodies

Benefits of BreastmilkThe value of breastmilk continues to grow as we discover additional properties and health benefits. It contains all the nutrients that a newborn requires, except for vitamin D, and life protecting antibodies that are custom made by mom in response to the unique dangers of her environment. However, recent research continues to uncover hidden treasures within this elixir of life. This article will review new studies and discuss the implication for infant development.

Seizures - Naturopathic Perspectives

Seizures What comes to mind when you hear the word “seizure?” Having a seizure and/or witnessing a seizure can be a scary event. When a seizure happens, the neurons in the brain excessively and abnormally fire anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes, which causes changes in bodily control, behavior, sensation, and perception.

The Brain-Gut Connection - Resetting and Rebalancing

The Brain-Gut Connection - Resetting and RebalancingNaturopathic doctors are holistic practitioners and see the body with all its connections. We believe the basis of all disease and illness begins in the gastrointestinal tract and the organs of detoxification. After all, if the entire tube from your mouth to your rear end is considered the outside of your body, the only way you have access to the food you eat is through the processes of digestion and absorption

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