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Editor's Letter

  • Managing Chronic Pain Using Meditation

    Managing Chronic Pain Using MeditationMillions of people suffer from some sort of daily pain. Whether the cause is injury, disease, or genetic defect, chronic pain affects quality of life. When pain limits the way you do something, or whether you do something, there is also a psychological effect.

  • Focus on Food—Eating Mindfully More Energy and Less Stress

    Focus on Food—Eating Mindfully More Energy and Less StressIt’s amazing how fast-paced and busy our day-to-day lives are. From the moment we wake, our adrenaline skyrockets as we compile our heavy list of to-dos.

  • Exercise and Mental Health - Naturopathic Approach

    Exercise and Mental Health - Naturopathic ApproachesThe Mood Disorders Society of Canada put out a startling statistic in 2009: 1 in 5 Canadians will experience a mental illness in their lifetime, including depression, mood disorder, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactive disorders and dementia

  • Green Tea, Capsaicin, and Ginger for Weight Loss Naturopathic Approaches Explained
    Green Tea, Capsaicin, and Ginger for Weight Loss Naturopathic Approaches ExplainedIn 2015, more than one in four adults had obesity in Canada, meaning their body mass index (BMI) was over 30. This rate is on the rise, and with it the risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and cancer, all of which are associated with obesity
  • The Gut and Microbiota : Impacts on Parkinson's Disease

    The Gut and Microbiota : Impacts on Parkinson's DiseaseParkinson’s disease affects between 1–2% of the population over the age of 65 and is becoming a growing concern as the baby boomers advance in age. The condition is characterized by gait abnormalities, tremor, muscle rigidity, and slowing down of movement typically seen as difficulty walking or getting up out of a chair.

  • Demystifying “Detox” : The Importance of Environmental Medicine

    Demystifying “Detox” : The Importance of Environmental MedicinePopular buzzwords like “detox” and “cleanse” are often used in the health world, but what does that really mean? This article will explain what detoxification is and outline some essential steps to support your body’s natural ability to eliminate harmful substances.

  • Male Fertility : Naturopathic Approaches

    Male Fertility : Naturopathic Approaches
    Often times when we hear the word “infertility”, our mind immediately goes to a woman wanting to bear a child. Less often, perhaps, does one immediately think about the potential that a male reproductive issue could be the reason a couple is having problems conceiving.

  • The Problem with Pesticides- Further Explained

    Due to the worldwide prevalence of farm workers dying or becoming ill, thus unable to work and support their family, the scientific community has begun taking a closer look at what is causing the disease and illnesses affecting them. All along, the pesticide manufacturers have been doing their own testing, but independent laboratories started doing tests to find out just how toxic these chemicals really are.

  • Acute and Chronic Hives - Naturopathic Approaches

    Acute and Chronic Hives - Naturopathic ApproachesHives happen when there is a skin reaction that causes red or white itchy welts. They might vary in size and come and go depending on how the reaction progresses. They are often circular or oval in shape. Urticaria is the medical term for hives and if hives happen chronically, then it’s often referred to as chronic urticaria.

  • Substance Abuse Treatment Options

    Substance Abuse Treatment OptionsOne in five people over the age of 65 have had a substance or alcohol abuse problem at some point. It is one of the most common health conditions and one of the conditions that takes one of the largest financial tolls on society.

  • Spring Cleaning Never Too Late

    Spring Cleaning Never Too LateAs the temperatures start to warm up and the snow begins to disappear, and as the
    hours of daylight extend, that feeling of spring starts to arise. The return of spring often brings a sense of new beginnings, new growth, or a fresh start.

  • Finally, Some Shut Eye - Naturopathic Treatments for Insomnia and Sleep Disturbance

    Finally, Some Shut Eye - Naturopathic Treatments for Insomnia and Sleep DisturbanceMost people, at some point or another, have experienced poor sleep; feeling too warm, tossing and turning before a big event, thoughts buzzing through the mind after an argument with a loved one, or maybe restless legs.

  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - A Needling Approach

    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - A Needling ApproachAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative condition that affects the motor neurons of the cerebral cortex, brain stem, and spinal cord. It afflicts patients 55–75 years of age, and is slightly more common in men than women.

  • Tracking your Menstrual Cycles Demystified

    Tracking your Menstrual Cycles DemystifiedUnderstanding your menstrual cycle involves more than just estimating your next period. Knowing your body and tracking your menstrual cycles can provide insight into your hormonal and reproductive health. You might be experiencing symptoms that we usually label as “normal,” when we should be calling them “common.”

  • Safe and Healthy Childbirth - Why Every Woman Deserves a Doula

    Safe and Healthy Childbirth - Why Every Woman Deserves a Doula
    Childbirth is one of the most transformative processes a woman can experience. While the intensity of childbirth is a constant through the ages, expectations and environments have evolved. Today, in Western culture, a woman’s first encounter with birth is usually that of her own first baby.