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Seasonal Allergies - Naturopathic Management 



The warm weather does not only signal that summer is on its way, but that the pollen is out! Allergy sufferers worldwide understand this love-hate relationship with spring and summer. My personal experience with allergies as an adolescent drew me to naturopathic medicine. Through the use of nutrition, supplements, herbal medicine and other lifestyle strategies, I no longer rely on antihistamines like I once did. Continue reading for information on the physiology of allergic reactions, and management from a conventional and naturopathic perspective. Allergic rhinitis lends itself well to the incorporation of both holistic and mainstream approaches, as many naturopathic treatments will not interact negatively with pharmaceutical treatments if needed, especially acupuncture and dietary recommendations.

Allergic Responses

Seasonal Allergies

Before we discuss what we can do about allergies let’s take a closer look at what is going on in the body. Pollen is recognized by your body as a foreign antigen (invader), causing the immune system to start an inflammatory cycle. This involves the immune system to recruit mast cells (defenders) in response to the antigen which release histamine. Histamine leads to more blood flow directed to the area where the pollen is (ex. nose, eyes, throat), causing mucous congestion, itchiness, bronchial irritation and ongoing symptoms. Pharmaceutical antihistamines aim to prevent this cycle from getting out of control, by targeting the molecule histamine. Research shows that there are naturally occurring plant compounds that have anti-histamine effects. Allergy symptoms consist of the following [1]:

  • sneezing, congestion
  • itching: nose, eyes, ears, palate
  • postnasal drip
  • fatigue, drowsiness, malaise
  • dark under-eye circles

If left unmanaged, allergic rhinitis can lead to sinusitis, otitis media, sleep apnea and eustachian tube dysfunction.

Conventional treatments [1]

Conventional treatments involve controlling environmental exposure to known allergens (ex. Pollen, dust mites, mould), and use of medications such as pharmaceuticals and immunotherapy. Over the counter antihistamines, decongestants and nasal sprays (steroids) are most commonly used . Medication side effects include: dry mouth, headache, drowsiness, and rebound congestion (this may occur with over-usage and long term dependence on antihistamines).

Lifestyle Strategies

Seasonal Allergies? Both medical doctors and Naturopathic doctors choose first to do no harm. This means starting with the basics such as: closing windows to avoid pollen buildup, using HEPA/air purifier filters and frequent washing of bedding just to name a few [1]. Other basic "anti-allergy strategies" start with a healthy diet high in antioxidant-rich and anti-inflammatory foods. This change isnt elaborate, but supports eating large servings of fruits and vegetables, choosing more lean proteins/fish over processed meats, healthy fats (avocado, coconut oil, olive oil), and spices like turmeric and ginger that target inflammation. Packaged foods with high fat and sugar promote congestion and inflammation, leading to more allergy symptoms. So try reducing processed foods and sugars when possible. Milk and dairy consumption may also worsen mucous formation, therefore worsening nasal congestion.

Stress reduction helps the body better tolerate excess antigens (the pollen "invaders"), allowing your body to have less of an immune response. Try some yoga, meditation or go for a walk to help promote healthy breathing and aid in relaxation.

Naturopathic Supplements and Herbs

On top of these basic lifestyle strategies, there are a few herbs and supplements that will be discussed:

  1. Quercetin – This compound is a flavonoid (plant antioxidant) that has been shown to have both anti-allergy and anti-inflammatory effects in animal and human research models[2] . Foods that are high in quercetin are: capers, onions, apples and dark red or blue berries.
  2. Vitamin C – Absorbic acid, the active constituent in Vitamin C, has been found to lower histamine concentrations in the blood of patients with allergic diseases [3]. From this, we can gather that Vitamin C possesses anti-histamine activities, similar to a pharmaceutical version. Vitamin C is found in a plethora of foods like: bell peppers, dark leafy greens, broccoli, and citrus fruits.Seasonal Allergies
  3. Nettle – This plant also known as “stinging needle” due to its small spikes, has many uses, and has shown promise in allergy reduction. A cell study found that Nettle was an antagonist of Histamine receptors (basically inhibiting the receptor stimulation), and inhibited inflammation [4]. Nettle can be found in the form of tea leaves or an herbal tincture. Although you can forage nettle outdoors, it is not recommended to do so, unless you know how to properly handle the stinging leaves.
  4. Probiotics – Evidence shows that the gut controls various immune system functions, so using probiotics can help reduce the body's allergic response. Early childhood use of probiotic strain lactobacillus rhamnosus (daily by mother from 35 weeks gestations to 6 months post-partum while breastfeeding, and then from birth to 2 years of age) prevented atopic sensitization (allergies, eczema) and hay fever prevalence later in life [5].

Other mentionable supplements used in naturopathic medicine for control of allergy symptoms are Bromelain, fish oils and other herbs such as Astragalus, Reishi and eyebright.


Seasonal Allergies

It is thought that acupuncture may positively benefit the immune system, therefore may have a positive impact on allergic rhinitis (allergies). A meta analysis found that compared to the control group (no acupuncture), the acupuncture treatment group showed a significant reduction in the following [6]:

  • Nasal symptoms
  • Use of medication
  • IgE levels in the bloodstream, which is a measure of allergic responses in the body
  • Quality of life scores

There is an abundance of literature regarding the specific acupuncture points that have been shown to benefit allergic rhinitis. A randomized controlled trial found that several acupuncture sessions involving a series of particular acupuncture points reduced the number of days that an antihistamine was required [7]. Acupuncture points such as L14, LI11, Yintang, Bitong, LU7, SP6, ST36, among others, were used for allergy control [7]. Literature like this shows the potential ability to reduce reliance on anti-histamines for allergic rhinitis management, and anti-histamine and other drug-induced side effects that can also affect quality of life.

Homeopathic Remedies

Effectiveness of homeopathic medicines is more difficult to define in the treatment of allergic rhinitis than other treatments such as nutrition, supplementation, herbal medicine and acupuncture. There is some evidence that certain homeopathic remedies may aid in managing allergy symptoms, however more research is warranted. A research review suggested that homeopathic treatment showed a positive improvement in allergic symptoms, compared to placebo [8]. Both the placebo and homeopathic group showed improved symptoms, with the homeopathic group resulting in better nasal air flow. Many propose that the effects of homeopathic remedies, are placebo-based, but research showing a difference compared to placebo may suggest otherwise.


Various naturopathic therapies show promise in aiding to relieve allergic symptoms such as runny nose, itching and watering eyes. Naturopathic supplements including Vitamin C, Quercetin and Nettle work to reduce inflammatory pathways related to allergies such as histamine release and mast cell formation. Probiotics used early in life may work preventatively to reduce allergy incidence in adolescence and onwards. Acupuncture protocols involving points over top of the sinus area (Yintang, Bitong), and on other parts of the body, may also reduce antihistamine dependence and allergic symptoms. Both LI4 and LU7 are important points, controlling aspects of the face and lung/respiratory system. Avoidance of inflammatory foods such as sugars, white carbohydrates and congestion-forming foods like dairy, can also be helpful in managing allergic rhinitis. Further strategies include lifestyle modifications such as regular washing of linens containing allergens, dusting and using Hepa filters/air purifiers. Including both naturopathic and lifestyle techniques in your seasonal allergy regiment can be helpful in reducing reliance on antihistamines and nasal decongestants, and provide more long-term relief.