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Implication of homocysteine in diabetes and impact of Vitamin B12 and folate

In this study, the potential role of homocysteine in diabetes and vitamin B12 and folate deficiency was reviewed along with the impact of folate and vitamin B12 in regulation of homocysteine level (1). Deficiency of vitamin B12 and folate is rare in developed countries and the countries which adopted fortification programs, but deficiency of these vitamins is found to be highly prevalent in developing world, particularly in Pakistan. This review discusses how several studies have found an association of high homocysteine levels and diabetes, but a few studies found contrary results. The authors conclude that further epidemiological studies are recommended for homocysteine involvement in diabetes and vitamin B12 and folate deficiency, so that an urgent action can be taken to control the high homocysteine and consequently the ever increasing burden of disease and specifically diabetes.