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Edible Toxins: You Are What You Eat - How to Limit Everyday Toxic Foods




Toxins are all around us. Whether it’s the car fumes you inhale, the frozen dinner you eat, or the negative thoughts you have at work, toxins are everywhere. Our bodies are designed to handle daily toxic exposures through our detoxification and elimination organs such as the liver, colon, and kidneys, which do a pretty good job keeping up healthy. The things that we consume on a regular basis often raise the biggest concerns because of toxic accumulation. Anything that enters our bodies through direct contact with our mucosal membranes, is inhaled into our lungs, or touches our skin for long periods of time have the highest chance of entering our bloodstream and influencing our health, for good or bad. It can feel daunting trying to identify and eliminate the toxins we are exposed to daily. Not only do we need to know what they are, but also what to do about them. That’s where I can help. Here are the top 7 edible toxins to be aware of and what you can do about them to keep you healthy.

1. The Dirty Dozen
Edible Toxins: You Are What You Eat

How Are They Toxic? The dirty dozen is a list of fruits and vegetables that are the most contaminated by pesticide use. Pesticides are associated with numerous health concerns including breast cancer, hormonal disruption, as well as neurotoxicity.[1][2][3]

The Solution. When considering buying local, organic, and seasonal produce, keep this list in mind and check out the EWG listing for the top produce and pesticide residue data. Alternatively, start incorporating the “Clean 15,” which includes the least contaminated produce, in your favorite recipes.

2. Processed Foods, Preservatives, and Additives

How Are They Toxic? When food is processed, there has been a deliberate change made to it. These changes can include the addition of preservatives and additives, which are used to improve or preserve the taste and shelf stability. Many of these additions are toxic to our health, such as aspartame, which has been linked to increased irritable mood and depression,[4] as well as high-fructose corn syrup, associated with metabolic syndrome and a potential factor in the obesity epidemic.[5][6]

The Solution. Give your body a break from these chemicals and irritants by:

  • Washing your produce with more than just water;
  • Buying organic, local, and seasonal produce (especially the “Dirty Dozen”); and
  • Avoiding detrimental additives such as artificial sweeteners, high-fructose corn syrup, MSG, trans fats, olestra, food dyes, sodium chloride/sulfite/nitrate/nitrite, BHA/BHT/propylgallate, sulfur dioxide, potassium bromate, and parabens.

3. Excessive Amounts of Added Sugar

Edible Toxins: You Are What You Eat

How Is It Toxic? When the word “added” appears before sugar, this specifies the addition of sugar to processed foods and beverages during their production. These added sugars have no nutritional value and can be toxic because they can contribute to tooth decay as well as obesity.[7][8]

The Solution. Avoid candy, concentrated juices, and soda pop by replacing them with healthier options, such as:

  • Raw fruits and veggies (apples, avocados, oranges, peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, celery);
  • High-protein snacks to help with satiation and blood-sugar regulation (nuts, protein shakes, beans, meat);
  • More water and fresh juice.

4. Heavy-Metal Seafood

How Are They Toxic? The unfortunate consequence of poor manufacturing processes include the contamination of our water ecosystems with heavy-metal pollution. While many different seafood options, such as fish, provide beneficial omega 3 fatty acids, they can also be a source of methyl mercury.[9] The toxicity of exposure to this heavy metal has been associated with a low risk of neurological damage, and it has been recommended that pregnant women avoid fish species highest in mercury to prevent fetal developmental risk.[9]

Solution. Avoid seafood and fish at the top of the food chain, which contain high levels of mercury, and check out the EPA’s safe amounts of mercury in shellfish and fish to evaluate the contamination levels of your favourite seafood. Avoid shark, tuna, swordfish, and king mackerel, which are predator fish with higher amounts of mercury. Stick to shrimp, sardines, anchovies, salmon, pollock, catfish, and smaller fish (even in your fish oil). Eat up to 12 oz. (2 average meals) a week of a variety of fish and shellfish that are lower in mercury.

5. Packaging Coated with PFCs

How Are They Toxic? Perfluorinated compounds, aka PFCs, are man made chemicals that have been used to make products resistant to heat, oil, stains, grease, and water. Research has shown that exposure to these toxic chemicals has been linked to breast cancer, impairments in reproductive health, as well as fetal malformations.[10][11] The Solution. Avoid food wrappers, pizza boxes, microwavable popcorn, and other PFC products, especially when reheating. Purchase responsible prepackaged goods without PFCs. Transfer microwavable foods to glass, ceramic, or other safe-to-heat containers. Reheat your food on the stove or in the oven when possible. Try to cook and eat fresh foods whenever possible.

6. Not Cooking or Washing Foods Properly
Edible Toxins: You Are What You Eat

How Is It Toxic? While meat is an excellent source of protein as well as heme iron (the most absorbable form of iron), it can also be a source of toxic and infectious bacteria and parasites.

The Solution. Especially when it comes to pork, chicken, turkey, fish, and seafood, make sure they are cooked appropriately. Similarly, little critters can live among leafy greens and produces with a high surface area, such as broccoli. Use a meat thermometer to estimate how cooked a thick piece of meat (temperature food guide). Always wash your hands after touching raw meat, so as to not transfer potential bacteria to other surfaces throughout the home. Soak your produce for 10 min in a solution of water, salt, vinegar, and grapefruit seed extract.

7. Charcoal Grilling

How Is It Toxic? There’s nothing quite like the smell of the BBQ on a warm summer day. However, the burnt crust on your steaks and veggies, the result of firing up the grill, also means volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In large quantities, these toxic compounds can be carcinogenic.[12]

The Solution. While it might be impossible to avoid the BBQ, moderation is the key. Limit your consumption of charcoal-crispy bits of fatty meats and high oil vegetables from the BBQ, but also from skillet and oven. Try eating raw, steamed, or poached foods more often. “You are what you eat”—we’ve all heard the saying. But if what you’re consuming includes a high volume of the above-mentioned items, you just might be toxic. While it is near impossible to avoid all the toxins all the time, limiting your exposure can reduce the accumulation of these harmful substances in your body, keeping you healthy now and in the future. Now, go forth and be a conscious consumer, and eat well to be well!