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April Editor’s Letter

In like a lion, out like a…. ? The month of March turned our world as we know it upside down, and has thrust all of us into a time of anxiety, uncertainty, and flux. Opinions abound, yet the one thing we can know for certain is that times like these cause all of us to re-evaluate our priorities, values, and even our own mortality. This is a time to draw close to one another in spirit, and consciously remember to be grateful for all those things that we do still have. I have personally found it helpful to reflect than many of our parent and grandparents lived through worse calamities and survived…. And so will we.


That aside, this month we bring you a fresh collage of articles for your reading pleasure.


Guest contributor Mehdi Chaabi, PhD offers a fascinating paper on the antiviral effects of quercetin, a bioflavonoid that occurs in several vegetables and fruits. This comprehensive article reviews the human and preclinical data on quercetin.


Dr. Rob Ayoup, ND continues his series on the topic of skin health, specifically this month, cosmeceuticals for hyperpigmentation. Melasma, “age-spots,” and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation are examples of this.


Dr. Arlene Dubier, ND writes about eczema, a type of immune condition directed at the skin. Dr. Dubier discusses dietary strategies as well as supplements including probiotics and vitamin D that can be helpful for eczema.


Dr. Kandis Lock, ND contributes on the topic of fever. Fever is part of the body’s innate immunity to fight infection. Fever reduces the viability of bacteria and viruses, and also activates specialize lymphocytes whose job it is to fight the infection. Dr. Lock discusses gentle therapies to manage fever.


Dr. Maria Shapoval, ND discusses the impact of diet on osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition defined by reduced bone mineral density; typically associated with aging, but may also be caused by gastrointestinal condtions or long term use of certain medications. Dr. Shapoval discusses dietary strategies to improve bone health.


Finally, Dr. Elena Zarifis , ND discusses brain health, specifically the role of “Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor” (BDNF). Dr. Zarifis reviews the list of conditions associated with reduced levels of BDNF, and natural strategies to increase activity of this chemical.


We hope you enjoy these contributions!


In health,

Dr. Heidi Fritz, MA, ND