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Novel Gene Targets for COVID-19

This study analyzed the gene expression in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in the lungs of 9 COVID patients and 40 controls. In COVID-19 patients, the expression of ACE2 was up regulated by 199 fold compared to the controls, while ACE expression was down regulated by 8-fold showing a deregulated renin angiotensin system (RAS). Additionally, the bradykinin pathway was found to be significantly affected by COVID-19 showing up regulation of bradykinin receptors BKB26 and BKB1R by 207 fold and 2945 fold respectively, with additional markers indicating a bradykinin storm. There was significant up regulation of genes involved in hyaluronic acid synthesis in COVID-19 patients, with down regulation of genes responsible for degradation pathways. The combination of the deregulated RAS system, bradykinin storm and increased hyaluronic acid in the lung tissue can lead to vascular permeability and hyaluronic acid build up in the lungs, producing a hydrogel that can impair proper respiration. Vitamin D is mentioned as a potential adjuvant to help reduce renin production and regulate the RAS system. This study highlighted pathways and revealed specific genes that the authors believe should be targeted to develop COVID-19 therapies.