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One of the most important topical products to consider in the realm of mitigating the degree of extrinsic photoaging is that of regular sunscreen use.
- 17 Oct 19
A cough is one of the most common reasons people visit their doctor. Coughs are annoying, they’re loud and can disrupt sleep for an entire household. With most viral infections, a cough can stick around up to 2 weeks after the infection has cleared. But when a cough lasts longer than 8 weeks, it warrants further investigation.[1]
- 20 Sep 19
Progesterone is a wonder hormone. We know that it is important with respect to reproduction, as it helps maintain a pregnancy; however, it is also extremely important for females who are not trying to conceive. Low progesterone has been a phenomenon I have noticed consistently in practice, affecting all ages from teens to menopausal females. But why?
- 02 Aug 19
Statin Side Effects It is no surprise to us that cardiovascular disease tops the list of killers in the world. Every one of us knows at least one other person in our families that has been affected by a heart condition. In 2013, Stats Canada estimated this second leading cause of death to affect more than 2.4 million Canadians (1). This number is expected to increase over the next few decades as the effects of sedentary office jobs and unhealthy eating patterns takes its toll.
- 05 Jul 19
As summer wears on, the long hot days fade into warm nights. For those of you who spend a lot of time outside, it can seem like you never really get a break from the heat. Hopefully, when you really get hot you can find some air conditioning, get into a shady spot, or cool off in some water. It is also important that you have plenty of cool water to drink, otherwise you can quickly become dehydrated and risk developing heat exhaustion or heat stroke.
- 02 Sep 15
Type 2 diabetes is a condition where the body does not make enough insulin or is not sensitive to the insulin that is produced. Because insulin is needed to drive glucose into the many of the body’s cells, this leads to a state of chronic hyperglycemia (elevated sugar) in the blood. Early signs of hyperglycemia include polydipsia (increased thirst),
- 02 Aug 19
The warm weather does not only signal that summer is on its way, but that the pollen is out! Allergy sufferers worldwide understand this love-hate relationship with spring and summer. My personal experience with allergies as an adolescent drew me to naturopathic medicine. Through the use of nutrition, supplements, herbal medicine and other lifestyle strategies, I no longer rely on antihistamines like I once did.
- 11 Oct 18
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition represented by both reproductive and endocrine symptoms. It currently impacts at least 5–10% of reproductive-age women.[1]
- 11 Oct 18
Bananas are sweet and filling, they can help you recover from strenuous exercise, and they can help eliminate muscle cramps. The amino acid tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin, is found in bananas. Serotonin helps you feel calm, can lighten and regulate your mood, and can lessen your perception of pain. Bananas are a versatile food that can be used to combat both diarrhea and constipation, and act as a natural antacid.[6]
- 18 Sep 18
Endometriosis is a chronic pain condition, which in 2009 was estimated to impact more than 344,000 women in Canada. [1] This number of cases was reflective only of surgically confirmed cases, and many more women experience the condition without a formal diagnosis.
- 18 Sep 18
The urinary tract is part of the excretory system that removes wastes and unnecessary metabolites from the body to maintain homeostasis and biochemical balance. Made up of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, the urinary tract is perceived to be sterile, except for the urethra.
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Cold weather drives humans indoors, which means we endure each other’s bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens more frequently.
- 31 May 19
In pregnancy, there are three trimesters, spanning over nine months. Postpartum is sometimes referred to as the “fourth trimester” and can be divided into three distinct phases.
- 19 Jun 19
The most common condition of the bones, by far, is osteoporosis. As you likely know, osteoporosis is characterized by a decreased bone mass and deterioration of the bone tissues. You can think of your bones like a bridge over a body of water: They are both supported by a fine crosshatched matrix that keeps them strong. If there is any compromise to this structure of the bridge, it is likely to break due to stress. And thus, osteoporosis or loss of bone density is a problem because it can lead to an increased risk of fracture. The most common areas of fracture are the spine, the wrist, and—most dangerously—the hip.
- 22 Jan 18
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) can be a painful condition for children and parents alike, as they juggle the everyday struggle while hoping for answers from the medical community. JIA is the most common childhood rheumatic illness, and is defined as a group of chronic arthritic diseases which normally occur in children under the age of 16. JIA can present with morning stiffness, swelling, and tender joints, which force many children to opt out of extracurricular activities and can leave them unable to....
- 14 Mar 18
Hypothyroidism is a term used to describe an underactive thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is further classified according to “type”: subclinical, primary, or secondary hypothyroidism. The main function of the thyroid gland is to regulate the metabolic processes essential for normal growth, development, and tissue differentiation.
- 27 Jul 18
BPD is described as a pattern of instability in multiple facets of life. People with this disorder often have emotional regulation issues and difficulty tolerating distress. They engage in self-harm activities, impulsivity, and attempted suicides. They typically feel empty inside, have mood swings, and may experience dissociations or paranoia. Abandonment, whether real or perceived, is a big trigger for someone with BPD. They may react with anger, and they have difficulty tolerating these experiences.
- 26 Jul 18
Every organ in the body has a unique and essential role in maintaining balance in the body. The harmony that is created when they all work well together can really energize us—but can equally deplete us when offset. The liver is an integral part of health and serves as a crossroads between many systems of the body.
- 12 Feb 20
As Canadians, athletes are our celebrities. They win us championships and gain us worldwide recognition. They put our cities on the map and encourage future generations to continue their success. Because the retirement age for most sports is fairly young, we rarely hear about our celebrity athletes after they leave their sport. Hockey players, football players, and boxers all sustain tremendous amounts of head trauma over their career. Repetitive brain injury creates lasting effects on their physical and mental health, which we rarely hear about on the news.
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