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Supplements with alpha-lipoic acid on oxidative stress markers in type 2 diabetic patients

In this study, the authors evaluated the effect of a supplement containing alpha-lipoic acid and of a placebo on glyco-metabolic control and on oxidative stress markers in type 2 diabetics (1). They randomized 105 diabetics to either a supplement containing 600mg of alpha-lipoic acid, 165mg of L-carnosin, 7.5mg of zinc, and vitamins of group B, or placebo, for 3 months. They evaluated numerous measures. They found a reduction of blood glucose and sugar markers in the group who took the alpha-lipoic acid compared with at baseline. They found a reduction in LDL and triglycerides with the supplement. The authors conclude that the supplement containing alpha-lipoic acid, L-carnosin, zinc, and vitamins of group B improved glycemic control, lipid profile, and anti-oxidative stress markers.