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From A to Zinc

After iron, zinc is the most abundant element in the human body, with approximately 2 to 4 g distributed among the muscles (60%), bones (20%), liver, and skin. Given its abundance, concerns about zinc deficiency is often overlooked; however, as discussed in this article, certain populations and individuals may benefit from supplementation.

Prenatal Genetic Testing and Counselling

Prenatal genetic testing is used to determine if a fetus has, or is at risk of developing, a genetic disorder. These disorders are caused by changes, often deletions or duplications, in fetal DNA and chromosomes. Two main types of testing often performed are screening and diagnosis. Screening tests typically look for aneuploidy—an abnormal number of chromosomes

Embryo Implantation

In media today, inflammation is depicted as having a negative influence on health but for good reason. Inflammation is related to many disease processes especially those involved in auto-immune conditions such as Crohn’s disease, arthritis; asthma (1). It is easy to forget that the inflammatory response as part of the immune system is itself an adaptive process to aid in healing.

Before Starting Hormonal Contraceptives - What You Need to Know

The availability of contraceptive birth control has been incredibly supportive of women’s autonomy over reproductive health. As women, we’ve been given this amazing opportunity to be in control of our bodies; whether it be for preventing an accidental pregnancy, or for obtaining relief from hormonal dysfunction.

Male Fertility : Naturopathic Approaches

Male Fertility : Naturopathic Approaches
Often times when we hear the word “infertility”, our mind immediately goes to a woman wanting to bear a child. Less often, perhaps, does one immediately think about the potential that a male reproductive issue could be the reason a couple is having problems conceiving.

Tracking your Menstrual Cycles Demystified

Tracking your Menstrual Cycles DemystifiedUnderstanding your menstrual cycle involves more than just estimating your next period. Knowing your body and tracking your menstrual cycles can provide insight into your hormonal and reproductive health. You might be experiencing symptoms that we usually label as “normal,” when we should be calling them “common.”

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