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Tips and Tricks for a Longer and Healthier Life

Throughout the ages, humans have searched for the Fountain of Youth. Today, the search for eternal youth continues; however, we are no longer looking for a hidden fountain but instead, for lifestyle, dietary, and technological hacks we can use in attempts to delay the aging process.

Boosting Brain Health with Age - Naturopathic Approaches

Forgetfulness is often considered a normal part of aging. As we get older, we might all expect to notice changes in our memory, ability to focus, multitask and problem solve. Dementia is when these changes in cognition begin to impact daily functioning. With an aging population, dementia is expected to become the leading cause of disability worldwide by 2020 (4). Current treatments for dementia are limited and do not have great success rates. Finding ways to prevent, or at the very least slow the process of, age-related cognitive decline is tremendously important.

Eye Health, Macular Degeneration, Cataracts

Eye Health, Macular Degeneration, and Cataracts - Adjunctive Naturopathic CareOur eyes and our sense of vision are extremely important to quality of life. As we age, our eyes tend to deteriorate, not only with regards to acuity, but also with regards to overall health. There are two conditions which are quite common and both cause problems with vision. These conditions are presented below.

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