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The Naturopathic Pillars of Treating Adult Acne

Acne (or acne vulgaris) is one of the most common skin conditions, affecting 64% of people in their 20s and 43% of people in their 30s. It affects the pilosebaceous units of the skin, which is essentially the oil gland and hair follicle. It usually affects the largest, hormone-responsive sebaceous glands such as those on the face, chest, neck and back.

Meditation and Prayer - How They Can Help You Live Longer

In an ever-evolving and modernizing world, we often overlook some of the simplest things. Many cultures are based around certain foods and religious values that teach a way of life. In these cultures, practising these religious values creates a sense of community that binds the group together and further emphasizes the culture. But as families move to new cities and countries, holding on to that cultural upbringing that includes religion becomes harder and harder.

Why Mitochondria Are Much More than Powerhouses

As holistic practitioners, we pride ourselves on the assessment of the whole body and our ability to make connections between systems. We have the time to fully investigate our patients and understand that many health concerns are deeply rooted. We tend to see the cases that haven’t found success in conventional therapies and the cases where nobody has any idea why the symptoms are happening at all. For us, this means going beyond symptoms and sometimes even to the basics of cellular biology.

Depression in Adulthood - Naturopathic Options

College; it’s sometimes called “the best time in your life.” You have new people, new situations, a huge variety of extracurricular activities to choose from, all while learning about yourself and the world… It is a time full of potential!

Quitting Smoking - The Challenges and Rewards

In this part of the world, it is common knowledge that smoking cigarettes is detrimental to health and that the effects of second-hand smoke are just as dangerous to family and friends.Government legislation has forced many people to quit smoking by making it more challenging to continue the addiction, enforcing a 20-feet (6 m) or 30 feet (9 m) boundary around most public buildings, and making it illegal to smoke within any public building.

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