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- 06 Dec 18
Do you ever feel bloated or constipated? Maybe you experience headaches or skin reactions that appear to have no known cause? Maybe you’re constantly tired, unable to concentrate or focus? The reason for these reactions may surprise you and have you looking no further than your dinner plate.
- 28 Feb 19
A healthy gut is a crucial part of maintaining your overall health. It seems today that many diseases and health concerns have root in an imbalanced gut. The foods we consume, the stresses we experience, and the exposure to toxic elements have created a dysbiosis of the gut. This leads to changes in our moods, our vitality, and our energy. We feel less inclined to get through the day, and most of our day becomes a task rather than anything else.
- 11 Oct 18
Bananas are sweet and filling, they can help you recover from strenuous exercise, and they can help eliminate muscle cramps. The amino acid tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin, is found in bananas. Serotonin helps you feel calm, can lighten and regulate your mood, and can lessen your perception of pain. Bananas are a versatile food that can be used to combat both diarrhea and constipation, and act as a natural antacid.[6]
- 06 Dec 18
Gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD) is the backwards flow of stomach contents into the esophagus, often referred to as “heartburn” or “acid reflux.” GERD most commonly results from increased abdominal pressure or a dysfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a bundle of muscles located at the end of the esophagus where it meets the stomach.
- 18 Sep 18
The urinary tract is part of the excretory system that removes wastes and unnecessary metabolites from the body to maintain homeostasis and biochemical balance. Made up of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, the urinary tract is perceived to be sterile, except for the urethra.
- 18 Jan 19
A common misunderstanding is that arthritis is a single disease; however, arthritis just refers to any joint pain or joint disease. In fact, arthritis consists of more than 100 different conditions, which range from relatively mild forms of tendonitis to more systemic forms, such as rheumatoid arthritis.
- 19 Jun 19
- 18 Jan 19
Most of us have heard that skin is the largest organ of our body. Our skin plays a crucial role in protecting us from pathogens and the elements, helping us eliminate waste material, regulating our body temperature, and conveying messages through the sensation of touch. It is a complex organ that is affected by our inner and outer environments, and we cannot talk about skin without talking about other organ systems.
- 18 Mar 19
Cold weather drives humans indoors, which means we endure each other’s bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens more frequently.
- 31 May 19
Acne vulgaris is one of the most common, chronic skin conditions. Up to 80–90% of the population will experience some degree of acne.[1]
- 06 Dec 18
In a world where ideas about healthy eating and “fit” bodies are inundating the public constantly, it feels like it has become important to distinguish between a true, diagnosable eating disorder and a normal, societal consumption with thoughts of food and body—because they are not the same. What would be considered “normal” within a culture that has become incredibly abnormal around food/body is a topic for another day!
- 11 Oct 18
It is the opinion of the author that vegetarians are not doomed to become protein-deficient just because they have made the switch from an omnivorous diet to a fully plant-based one. Contrary to popular belief, flesh foods are not a necessary source of protein. This is traditionally held belief, and as is the case with many such beliefs, it falls in the realm of myth, not facts.
- 27 Jul 18
There is a growing trend, particularly among young people, toward adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet. In fact, an article from the Toronto Metro—written by Aly Thompson and published March 13, 2018—reported on a Dalhousie University poll showing that Canadians under 35 years old were “three times more likely to consider themselves vegetarians or vegans than people 49 or older.”
- 31 May 19
In pregnancy, there are three trimesters, spanning over nine months. Postpartum is sometimes referred to as the “fourth trimester” and can be divided into three distinct phases.
- 18 Mar 19
Hormonal imbalance is a common problem many women face. Women are now, more than ever before, taking on more and more responsibilities—they’re caregivers, nurturers, and employed in the workforce to make ends meet.
- 19 Jun 19
The New York Times had a headline a few years ago that read: “Butter is Back.”[1] Time magazine’s cover page stated: “Eat Butter.” As a result, people are embracing bacon, cheese, butter, and steaks as healthy. They are saying “saturated fat is good,” and “low-fat is bad.” Ironically, extensive research and scientific evidence from the last 50 years have shown that saturated-fat consumption is a predictor of LDL (low-density lipoproteins) and triglyceride levels in the body, which are also known as “bad cholesterols.” So, which message is true?
- 15 Dec 17
The incidence of cancer has never been higher. We are seeing a steady increase in cases each year. It is estimated that in 2016 we saw 1.6 million new cases, with breast, lung, prostate, and colon cancers topping the list. Why are more people getting cancer? A carcinogen is a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissues. Its hard to conceptualize the numerous and varied forms of carcinogens we are exposed to daily...
- 22 Jan 18
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) can be a painful condition for children and parents alike, as they juggle the everyday struggle while hoping for answers from the medical community. JIA is the most common childhood rheumatic illness, and is defined as a group of chronic arthritic diseases which normally occur in children under the age of 16. JIA can present with morning stiffness, swelling, and tender joints, which force many children to opt out of extracurricular activities and can leave them unable to....
- 14 Mar 18
Hypothyroidism is a term used to describe an underactive thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is further classified according to “type”: subclinical, primary, or secondary hypothyroidism. The main function of the thyroid gland is to regulate the metabolic processes essential for normal growth, development, and tissue differentiation.
- 14 Mar 18
If you or a loved one has suffered with a mental illness, you know it’s a whole-body illness. Not only does mood drop, but also, basic daily activities like sleep and regular meals become an obstacle. Weight fluctuates, interests fall off, and relationships take a hit. People with mental health concerns suffer in many ways for an often unnecessarily long time.
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