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It’s a serious disease shrouded in controversy that captivates our attention. A disease transmitted by a blood-feeding bug that already bit an animal, such as a mouse or other mammal, infected with the spirochaete bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. It is this pathogen, which has profound effects throughout the body, which is the cause of Lyme disease.
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A quick look around your local, or online, cosmetics store will easily showcase how popular the emerging realm of clean-and-green skincare products has become. Over time, consumers have become increasingly invested in what ingredients are found or omitted in the skincare products they use.
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Among all sexual dysfunctions, erectile dysfunction (ED) is the most common [1]. Approximately 1 in 10 men worldwide have ED, the prevalence ranging from 10-71% for men older than 70 years old [2]. This range is so wide and there are no reliable figures available for the incidence and prevalence of ED because most men do not seek treatment. Social stigma is all too familiar and continues to be a reality for men suffering with erectile dysfunction (ED), this being the biggest barrier to them seeking treatment.
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Anxiety is extremely common; in fact, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention reports that anxiety disorders are the most common class of mental disorders. Aside from the anxiety, 60–70% of people with anxiety also report that they have trouble sleeping. This is problematic, because the worse someone’s emotional distress is the worse they sleep, and having bad sleep may be contributing to worsening anxiety symptoms.
- 03 Feb 15
As naturopathic doctors, we look at all aspects of an individual’s health. We consider their current health status and look at how they can improve their health. We also investigate risk factors that could affect their current level of health. We know of some of these risk factors: a diet high in processed foods, lack of exercise, stress, smoking, alcohol consumption, just to name a few.
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Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is a neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by inattention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity. The condition is commonly treated with stimulant therapy (methylphenidates or amphetamines in various forms). Stimulants tend to increase dopamine activity in the brain, and it is speculated that this may help with ADHD symptoms.
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurological concern. The estimated prevalence in children is approximately 5.29% worldwide. A Dutch study found that 70% of these children may continue to be affected as adults.[2] Some features of ADHD include: increased inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.
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Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is mainly made within the body by the liver but also comes from food. Cholesterol is important for optimal health, as it is needed to make cell walls, tissues, vitamin D, hormones, and bile acid. Atherosclerosis refers to the narrowing of the arteries due to excess cholesterol forming plaques within the arteries, which leads to compromised blood flow.
- 07 Jul 17
Due to the worldwide prevalence of farm workers dying or becoming ill, thus unable to work and support their family, the scientific community has begun taking a closer look at what is causing the disease and illnesses affecting them. All along, the pesticide manufacturers have been doing their own testing, but independent laboratories started doing tests to find out just how toxic these chemicals really are.
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Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a pregnancy complication defined as impaired blood sugar regulation beginning in pregnancy, and is no longer present after delivery. Although prevalence varies, a recent study by the CDC reports that as many as 9.2% of pregnancies are affected by gestational diabetes.
- 09 Mar 15
In order to effectively optimize your digestive health, it is imperative that you approach this systematically to ensure long-term results. My four-tiered approach to optimal health is to Remove any possible triggers causing the digestive disturbance in the first place, Repair the intestinal lining, challenge the digestive tract by Reintroducing different food groups and observing the body’s reaction to identify possible food sensitivities, and Reinoculate the healthy bacteria in order to support the body’s immune system and maintain digestive function.
- 03 Mar 14
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?>In the last decade, migraine headaches have become a common health complaint. A review in 2013 indicated that anywhere between 16.2% to 22.7% of adults over the age of 18 complained of episodic or chronic migraines. The occurrence was higher in females than in males, and specifically in women of reproductive age. A large amount of data on the rates of migraine occurrence, treatment, predisposing factors, comorbidities, and prevention has been collected and analyzed by the American Migraine Prevalence and Prevention (AMPP) study; this is an ongoing study that is continuing to collect and report such data on migraine epidemiology.06 Dec 18In this part of the world, it is common knowledge that smoking cigarettes is detrimental to health and that the effects of second-hand smoke are just as dangerous to family and friends.Government legislation has forced many people to quit smoking by making it more challenging to continue the addiction, enforcing a 20-feet (6 m) or 30 feet (9 m) boundary around most public buildings, and making it illegal to smoke within any public building.
18 Oct 19It can be difficult for many women to find and utilize non hormonal options when it comes to fertility. This includes women who want to become pregnant but also those who are looking to avoid pregnancy. With many women and couples having misconceptions regarding the fertile period of a woman’s cycle, it is more advantageous to educate women on their fertile signs for greater chances of either conception or avoidance of conception.[1]
11 Jul 1716 Jan 16One in four adults in Canada, which is equivalent to 6.3 million people were diagnosed with obesity by the end of 2012. This is a 17.5% increase from 2003. With obesity comes fatigue, malnutrition, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease and can lead to the diagnosis of other serious chronic illnesses.
11 Jul 17Parkinson’s disease affects between 1–2% of the population over the age of 65 and is becoming a growing concern as the baby boomers advance in age. The condition is characterized by gait abnormalities, tremor, muscle rigidity, and slowing down of movement typically seen as difficulty walking or getting up out of a chair.
16 Jun 21Protocols in naturopathic practice are designed to help increase health span while taking into consideration the extent of disease, a variety of modalities or tools of applicability, and patient choice and values; however, exercise prescriptions stand out as part of a foundational approach nearly ubiquitous and necessary for almost everyone.
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