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Anxiety is extremely common. Practically everyone experiences symptoms of anxiety, but the majority of the time, they are short-lived and do not cause problems. Anxiety can be a beneficial part of our existence when experienced in the short term. An example would be when it alerts us to imminent danger. This was especially useful in the past, when we would face life-threatening obstacles.
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Lavender oil is extracted via steam distillation of its flowering tops for topical application; however, in aromatherapy, the whole plant is used. The oil can be used in a variety of ways: ingested orally, inhaled, used topically on the skin directly, used in aromatherapy blends, in baths, and more.
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They make us feel happy, they help us to sleep, they swing our moods in every direction, and they keep our metabolism revving. They have the potential to wreak havoc in our lives, but we just can’t live without them. No, this article isn’t about your spouse — it’s all about hormones!
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Approximately 13% of the population experience social anxiety over the course of their lifetime, the most common form of all anxiety disorders. After alcohol abuse and depression it is the most common psychiatric illness. Many questions and controversies surrounding its diagnosis and treatment still remain.01 Jul 13$path = isset($_GET['q']) ? $_GET['q'] : '
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North America is suffering from an epidemic of chronic inflammatory disease, caused by changes in our food supply, diet, and lifestyle. While you may be very familiar with joint or muscle inflammation, or with inflammatory diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and arthritis, you may not realize that we experience inflammation in our brain, or that when we look at the biochemistry behind depression, inflammation is considered a major contributing factor.26 Aug 13$path = isset($_GET['q']) ? $_GET['q'] : '
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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an increasingly common digestive condition, affecting up to 20% of individuals. IBS is protean in its manifestations, with symptoms variable from person to person, and can include a combination of any of the following symptoms: bloating, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, and cramping. It is not unusual for IBS to be intermittent; becoming worse for certain periods of time, easing for some time, and then flaring up again. Although IBS is not a life threatening disease, it is a nuisance26 Sep 13$path = isset($_GET['q']) ? $_GET['q'] : '
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Autumn is a beautiful time of year, filled with excitement (or trepidation) for students and teachers alike. For most, fall also marks the end of vacation or summer hours, and the onset of a more rigorous work schedule. The combination of these various stressors, in addition to cooler weather fluctuations, also makes for the beginning of the dreaded cold-and-flu season. First, a child comes home with a sniffle, or a colleague down the hall has a dry cough16 Jun 13
The intestinal epithelium is the largest surface in the human body exposed to the external environment. The ability of this epithelial layer to act as a barrier is found to be essential to health. The selective permeability (allow some things to pass, prevent other things from passing) of the intestinal epithelium is a highly regulated process that is part of the normal functioning of the intestinal tract.
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