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What You Didn’t Know About Dark Chocolate - The GERD Exception





Dark chocolate has been the queen of healthy junk food for the last decade. With its significant amounts of fibre, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium, what can’t it do? 


  • Feigning for something sweet, but you’re on a diet? Chocolate!
  • Have a heart condition, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure? Chocolate!
  • Suffering from obesity, diabetes, and cravings? Chocolate!
  • Stressed out at work, home, or on the road? Chocolate!
  • PMS pains got you grumpy and frustrated? Chocolate!
  • Forgot your breakfast and lunch? Chocolate!
  • Meeting the in-laws and forget to bring a gift? Chocolate!

When eaten at 70% cocoa or higher, it seems to be good for almost everything! However, there is one condition where chocolate can make you more sick, and that’s not if you are allergic to it.

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is also termed heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It causes chest pain, sore throat, and a burning sensation to the stomach, throat, and sometimes mouth. Common sense would suggest that acid reflux is due to too much stomach acid; however, it can also be due to too little stomach acid, obstruction of the upper bowels, or a weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Foods that can weaken the LES include: Acid Reflux

  • Fish oil (dietary and supplementary)
  • Tomatoes
  • Citrus fruits and juices (orange, lemon, lime, etc.)
  • Peppermint
  • Alcohol
  • Nicotine
  • Caffeine
  • Some medications (e.g. SSRI and hormonal treatments)
  • And yes… chocolate!

Chocolate has been shown to decrease lower esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure.[1, 2] There’s actually something called “chocolate-induced reflux.” The LES is the muscle that joins the esophagus to the stomach. It opens to allow food and drinks into the stomach, while closing to stop food and stomach acids from coming up. It opens and closes like a purse-string, similar to your lips when you pucker them. If the LES is weak, it allows the contents in the stomach (i.e. food and digestive enzymes) to splash back and cause irritation. Similarly, if there is high pressure in the stomach from a small intestine obstruction or even small intestinal bowel overgrowth (SIBO), it can weaken the LES. If not treated properly, acid reflux can cause damage to the delicate mucosal membrane, and potentially lead to ulcers and cancer. It’s important to avoid trigger foods, eat in a relaxed state, and chew your foods thoroughly.

Too Much or Too Little Stomach Acid?

How do you know if you have too much or too little, since the symptoms are the same? If your symptoms are mild, likely you won’t want to go to the doctor’s office for a check-up, because you keep thinking that it will just “go away on it’s own.” Well, lucky for you, there’s a test that you can do at home that only requires one common ingredient:

Apple Cider Vinegar Test:

  1. Swallow 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar.
  2. If you experience no burning sensation, you probably have hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid) and need to increase your stomach acid levels by subsequently adding 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar each day until you reach 6 tbsp/d or a slight
    burning sensation arises.
  3. If no symptoms arise, maintain that dose every day and only decrease by 1 tbsp/d unless burning is felt.

If you experience extreme burning and irritation with just 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar, then you likely have hyperchlorhydria (excess stomach acid). Ensure that the burning pain you experience is not a heart condition or peptic ulcer by going to your family doctor and having the appropriate tests run.

What To Do If I Have Low Stomach Acid?

  • Continue dosing 1–6 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar per day if no burning sensation is felt.
  • Take digestive enzymes after bigger meals.
  • Eat more pineapple and papaya for their natural bromelain and papain enzymes.
  • Chew your food more thoroughly.
  • Be mindful when you eat. Start by taking three deep breathes before a meal and really smell your food. Your nose is the first step in digestion—funny enough—because it triggers salivary secretions of the mouth and digestive-enzyme release from the pancreas.
  • Abdominal massage to encourage gastric secretions.
  • Stress management: meditation, deep breathing, gratitude, etc.

What To Do If I Have High Stomach Acid?

  • Avoid acidic foods (vinegar, citrus fruits, and meats), smoking, carbonated beverages, and food triggers (spicy food, pineapple, papaya, chocolate, tomatoes, alcohol, caffeine, etc.) for one week and reassess intensity of discomfort.
  • Start dosing 1–2 tsp. of sodium bicarbonate (aka baking soda) in a full glass of water per day.
  • Eat smaller meals and foods that are easy to digest (e.g. smoothies).
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Be mindful when you eat. Start by taking three deep breathes before a meal.
  • Stress management: meditation, deep breathing, gratitude, etc.
  • Eat a few hours before bed.
  • Don’t lie down immediately after eating.
  • Sleep more and with your head slightly elevated.
  • Weight loss, moderate exercise
  • Abdominal and upper body massage to relieve gastric pressure and stress
  • Acid-suppression pharmaceutical agents (proton pump inhibitor, H2‑receptor antagonist, antacid, calcium carbonate, etc.).

Acid reflux can be very uncomfortable and stressful when eating at restaurants or parties. It can also ruin intimate evenings when you’re doubled over in pain. Heartburn can be confused with peptic ulcers, musculoskeletal issues, serious heart conditions, and lung conditions. If you have been experiencing chronic discomfort, notice any bleeding from the mouth or stool (black-coffee-ground poo), or cannot find a pattern of causes for your pain, please see a medical doctor immediately.