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Managing Sensitive Skin

A frequent and often frustrating challenge encountered in personal skin-care management is the experience of skin sensitivity. Compounding this situation is the notion of how, despite much recent research being directed toward its exploration, much is left unknown regarding this common cutaneous reaction.

Tips and Tricks for a Longer and Healthier Life

Throughout the ages, humans have searched for the Fountain of Youth. Today, the search for eternal youth continues; however, we are no longer looking for a hidden fountain but instead, for lifestyle, dietary, and technological hacks we can use in attempts to delay the aging process.

Topicals for Male and Female Pattern Hair Loss

A common concern presenting in general practice is hair loss. Hair is an integral aspect of our identity and feelings of self-esteem, and it offers an element of aesthetic expression for many. To see it recede or thin can be a challenging experience. This article will first review notable information pertaining to the hair physiology, along with key aspects relating to male and female patterns of hair loss (androgenic alopecia).

Use of Exotic Plant Oils for Skin Aging

Exotic plant oils are a prime example of topical skincare products retaining a deep and rich historical tradition of use across various regions and cultures. Their benefits are now being rediscovered and more firmly established through studies into their cutaneous effects.

Naturopathic Approach to Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs)

Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) are compounds that are generated under hyperglycemic conditions. They could be formed endogenously, or they could be consumed from our diet. Increased presence of AGEs in the human body is associated with diverse age-related and chronic conditions...

Boosting Brain Health with Age - Naturopathic Approaches

Forgetfulness is often considered a normal part of aging. As we get older, we might all expect to notice changes in our memory, ability to focus, multitask and problem solve. Dementia is when these changes in cognition begin to impact daily functioning. With an aging population, dementia is expected to become the leading cause of disability worldwide by 2020 (4). Current treatments for dementia are limited and do not have great success rates. Finding ways to prevent, or at the very least slow the process of, age-related cognitive decline is tremendously important.

Benefits of Fasting - Is it Right for You?

Fasting is a voluntary abstinence from food or any calorie-containing drinks for a specific period. In plain terms, fasting is the act of not eating, as simple as that, but let’s not be misguided by the simplicity of fasting, because health benefits that you’ll get from simply restraining from food are numerous and amazing.

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