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Cell-Phone Use - Five Health Impacts

Every time I turn around, someone else has published a news article saying that cell phones are rewiring our brains, stealing our creativity, and making us unable to focus and by some measures, even decreasing our intelligence—but are they really?

The Challenge of Change

The Challenge of Change - How Neuroscience Can HelpChange is challenging. Change is universal. Change is manageable. Much like
conditioning our bodies to become stronger and more flexible, we can train our brain to manage the challenge of change.

Ashwagandha / Withania somnifera

Withania somniferaW. somnifera, also known as Ashwagandha, is an important herb that has been used for over 3000 years. The important constituents of the root are steroidal alkaloids and steroidal lactones referred to as withanolides. It is used for anxiety, inflammation, Parkinson’s disease, cognitive and neurological disorders, and as a supportive adjunct for people undergoing radiation and chemotherapy.

Common Headaches

Common Headaches - Types and Natural TreatmentsHeadaches are annoying and, depending on their severity, can prevent us from performing our daily tasks. There are many types of headaches, but the most common ones are tension headaches, cluster headaches, and migraines.


MeditationIf you have taken an active interest in your own health-care treatment, then you have likely heard about the benefits of meditation and mindfulness. But do you really know why regular meditation is so beneficial? Common self-reported benefits include reduced levels of anxiety, depression and pain; data which have been reinforced through many clinical trials.

Vertigo - Treating Dizziness Naturally

Vertigo - Treating Dizziness NaturallyVertigo is the feeling that your surroundings are moving when in reality they are still. Symptoms include feeling off-balance or feeling like the room is spinning. If it’s severe, there may be nausea and vomiting associated with it, and there could be an increased risk of falling. Vertigo can last for a few minutes or even days. Vertigo needs to be differentiated from feeling light-headed, which is usually due to a lack of circulation to the brain or due to low blood pressure. Feeling light-headed can also cause dizziness, but it is treated differently (it is suggested you lie down, that way you help the blood get back to your brain).

Brain Injury - A Review of Concussions

Brain Injury - A Review of ConcussionsConcussions are the most common form of traumatic brain injury. Thousands of young people under the age of 19 are treated every year in hospital emergency rooms for concussions related to sports or other leisure activities. Concussions are most commonly caused by blows to the head, including car and bike accidents, or falls. Effects of concussions are usually temporary, but can include bothersome symptoms like headaches, problems concentrating, forgetfulness, and can also impact functions of balance and coordination.

Postconcussion Syndrome - A Naturopathic Approach

Alzheimer’s DiseaseConcussions are extremely common in our society — an estimated 75% of all people will experience one in their lifetime!The majority of people recover completely from concussions within a week or two; yet, for a considerable number of people, the negative effects can last for months and even years. Mood symptoms like anxiety, irritability, and depression coincide with physical symptoms like headaches, fatigue, nausea, and dizziness; added to that are cognitive symptoms like problems with memory, decision making, and concentration difficulties. This constellation of symptoms is known as postconcussion syndrome (PCS).

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