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  • Thiamine administration resolves wet beriberi: case report

    16 Apr 18

    Circulatory failure, especially with low systemic vascular resistance (SVR), as observed in septic shock, thyrotoxicosis, and anemia, is a particular pattern that should suggest thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency. The clinical picture of wet beriberi secondary to thiamine deficiency only demonstrates non-specific clinical manifestations. This article presents a rare case of wet beriberi associated with multiple organ failure (MOF) in a prison patient with years of heavy alcohol consumption (1). The patient started treatment with thiamine (100 mg) by intramuscular injection, together with basic supportive care. The outcomes were that the hemodynamic indices improved within 12 hours after thiamine administration. Echocardiographic examinations revealed right ventricular function improvement within a few days, which were normal within a month. The authors conclude a diagnosis of wet beriberi should be considered for a prison patient who has unexplained heart failure, lactic acidosis, and/or MOF. Moreover, the patient should be empirically given thiamine administration without delay.


    (1) Lei Y, et al. Wet beriberi with multiple organ failure remarkably reversed by thiamine administration: A case report and literature review. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018;97(9):e0010.

  • Vitamin D improves inflammation in type 2 diabetes

    15 Apr 18

    Vitamin D has been proposed to have anti-inflammatory properties. This study was a meta-analysis to examine the effects on inflammatory markers (1). Multiple databases were searched and randomized controlled trials were identified for analysis. The results showed that 28 studies were included. Vitamin D lowered C-reactive protein, TNF-alpha, and ESR – all inflammatory markers. This meta-analysis provides level 1 evidence that vitamin D supplementation may reduce chronic low-grade inflammation in patients with type 2 diabetes.


    (1) Mousa A, et al. Vitamin D supplementation for improvement of chronic low-grade inflammation in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Nutr Rev. 2018;doi:10.1093/nutrix/nux077.

  • Health and Safe Fish Intake

    04 Apr 18

    Recommended fish intake differs substantially from observed fish intake. In Denmark, 15% of the population consumes the state-recommended fish intake. How much fish individuals eat varies greatly, and this variation cannot be captured by considering the fish intake of the average population. The objective of this study was to propose specific fish intake levels for individuals that meet the recommendations for eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, and vitamin D without violating the permitted intake recommendations for methyl mercury, dioxins, and polychlorinated biphenyls (1). Results showed that individual, personal dietary recommendations were successfully modeled. Modeled fish intake levels were compared to observed fish intakes. For women, the average proposed increase in fish intake was 14 g/wk for lean fish and 63 g/wk for fatty fish; and for men these numbers were 12 and 55 g/wk, respectively. The authors conclude this approach has the potential to increase compliance with dietary guidelines by targeting the individual consumers and minimizing the need for large and ultimately unrealistic behavior changes.


    (1) Persson M, et al. Use of Mathematical Optimization Models to Derive Healthy and Safe Fish Intake. J Nutr. 2018;148(2):275-284.

  • Hydrotherapy: Osteoarthritis treatments

    25 Mar 18

    In this study, the authors evaluated the effectiveness and safety of outpatient balneological treatment consisting of hydrotherapy and peloid therapy in elderly patients with osteoarthritis (1). Hydrotherapy was applied as head-out immersion in a tap water pool at 36-38 °C for 20 min and then peloid therapy was applied as a local peloid pack on the painful region or joint at 42-43 °C for 20 min, on each weekday for 2 weeks. Patients were evaluated before and after the treatment and outcome measurements were pain, patient's global assessment, physician's global assessment, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities index, Lequesne hip index, Waddell index, neck pain and disability scale, and health assessment questionnaire. In total, 235 osteoarthritis patients were included in the analysis. The authors found significant improvements in pain and function scores in generalized, knee, lumbar, cervical and hand osteoarthritis. The results showed that the majority of patients (59.1%) fulfilled the outcome measures in Rheumatology-Osteoarthritis Research Society International responder criteria. The treatment demonstrated a good safety profile. The authors conclude this may be a worthwhile therapy for these patients.


    (1) Kardes S, et al. Outpatient balneological treatment of osteoarthritis in older persons : A retrospective study. Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2018;doi: 10.1007/s00391-018-1370-3.

  • Herbal immunomodulators and their potential prospects

    20 Mar 18

    Constant exposure to various stressors are leading to an increase in immunocompromising health conditions (1). In this review, the authors discuss the role of herbal immunomodulators. Synthetic chemotherapeutic agents, which are widely available in the commercial market, may be highly efficacious, but most are immunosuppressive and exert many side effects. Numerous herbs used in ethnoveterinary medicine can be successfully employed as adjuvant rehabilitators to negate the deleterious effects of chemotherapeutics. Globally, many studies have been conducted on these herbs and have revealed unique active constituents that activate the innate immune system through the stimulation of macrophages and lymphocytes, and modulation of the cytokine profile, which leads to a state of alertness with a subsequent reduction in the incidence of infection.


    (1) Tiwari R, et al. Herbal immunomodulators, a remedial panacea for the designing and developing effective drugs and medicines: Current scenario and future prospects. Curr Drug Metab. 2018; doi: 10.2174/1389200219666180129125436.

  • Acupuncture as a primary independent treatment for chronic insomnia

    15 Mar 18

    In this study, the authors reported on the long-term (up to 1 year) outcomes of acupuncture as a primary and independent treatment in patients with insomnia. The patient was evaluated with polysomnography. In this study, the diagnosis of chronic insomnia was based on the International Classification of Sleep Disorders insomnia. The patient had no obvious differential diagnosis. Acupuncture treatment was planned for this patient who refused to take medical treatment with chronic insomnia. So the patient received 1 hour of acupuncture treatment for 12 weeks. Polysomnographic evaluation was performed at baseline and 3 months, and 1 year after acupuncture treatment. He was asked to keep a diary of all his insomnia-related symptoms. All outcome measures substantially improved. Moreover, during the observation period, the patient's sleep quality did not worsen. The authors conclude that acupuncture is a viable therapy for chronic insomnia.


    (1) Zhang W, et al. Acupuncture as a primary and independent treatment in chronic insomnia. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017;96(52):e9471.

  • Patient Throughput for Naturopathic Doctors

    10 Mar 18

    In this study, the authors evaluated which factors predicated a high patient throughput to add more evidence to the body of naturopathic evidence (1). It was a cross-sectional study sampling 1096 practitioners in Germany. Besides, sociodemographic data and practice characteristics topics like job satisfaction and feeling for the job were evaluated. This was supplemented with an evaluation of patient traits which were perceived as challenging. The results showed that the naturopathic practitioners were very satisfied with their job. Naturopathic practitioners described that 40% of their patients are challenging. The highest rate was for "aggressive patients." A high patient throughput was predicted with a higher satisfaction rate with the "opportunity to use abilities" and more direct contact with the patient. The authors conclude that therapeutic freedom and time with patients are important factors which are accountable for a high patient throughput.


    (1) Goetz K, et al. The Phenomena of Naturopathic Practitioner: Predictors of a High Patient Throughput. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2017;2017:9758326.

  • Vitamin D and heart health in HIV positive Canadians

    05 Mar 18

    Based on a growing body of evidence implicating low vitamin D status in the development of cardiovascular disease, the authors hypothesized that in Canadian HIV-positive adults, low vitamin D concentration would be associated with increased subclinical vascular disease progression (1). In this study, they analyzed the association. The results showed mean progression was 0.027 mm/year. Only 13.3% of participants were vitamin D deficient (25(OH)D < 50 nmol/L), whereas 61.7% had a 25(OH)D exceeding the sufficiency threshold (75 nmol/L). The authors conclude that baseline vitamin D was associated with carotid intima-media thickness progression in this relatively vitamin D replete, predominately white and male, Canadian HIV-positive population.


    (1) Huff H, et al. Vitamin D and progression of carotid intima-media thickness in HIV-positive Canadians. HIV Med. 2018;19(2):143-151.

  • DHA mediates the protective effect of fish in new episodes of depression

    02 Feb 18

    DHA mediates the protective effect of fish in new episodes of depression In a longitudinal cohort study of young Australian adults, the authors reported that for women higher baseline levels of fish consumption were associated with reduced incidence of new depressive episodes during the 5-year follow-up (1). Fish are high in both n-3 fatty acids and tyrosine. In this study, they tried to determine whether n-3 fatty acids or tyrosine explain the observed association. During 2004-2006, a FFQ (nine fish items) was used to estimate weekly fish consumption among 546 women aged 26-36 years. A fasting blood sample was taken and high-throughput NMR spectroscopy was used to measure 233 metabolites, including serum n-3 fatty acids and tyrosine. During 2009-2011, new episodes of depression since baseline were identified using the lifetime version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. The n-3 DHA mediated 25·3 % of the association between fish consumption and depression. Tyrosine did not mediate the association. Components in fish other than n-3 fatty acids and tyrosine might be beneficial for women's mental health. The authors conclude that DHA mediates the protective effect of fish consumption on new episodes of depression among women.
  • Acupuncture for severe constipation

    02 Feb 18

    Acupuncture for severe constipation Acupuncture has been shown to help with chronic severe functional constipation (CSFC). Which patients have a better response is unclear and this study examined that (1). The authors performed a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial, in which patients received electroacupuncture or sham electroacupuncture. Responders were defined as participants with an increase of at least one complete spontaneous bowel movement in week 20 compared with the baseline period. The results showed that the responder rate was significantly greater in the active group. Both age and comorbidity were negatively associated with clinical response: with every one-year increase in age, the likelihood of clinical response was reduced by 1.2% and patients with comorbidities were approximately 42% less likely to respond to treatment. The authors conclude that CSFC patients with increasing age and comorbidity may be less likely to respond to acupuncture
  • High-dose oral multivitamins and minerals after heart attack

    02 Feb 18

    High-dose oral multivitamins and minerals after heart attack This study examined a subgroup of the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT) (1). It looked at oral multivitamins and minerals after heart attack to see if they improved outcomes and included patients not on statins. There were 460 (27%) of 1,708 TACT participants not taking statins at baseline, 224 (49%) were in the active vitamin group and 236 (51%) were in the placebo group. The intervention was a daily high-dose tablet, 6 per day. The primary end point of TACT was time to the first occurrence of any component of the composite end point: all-cause mortality, MI, stroke, coronary revascularization, or hospitalization for angina. The results showed better outcomes in the vitamin group. The authors conclude that high-dose oral multivitamin and multimineral supplementation seem to decrease combined cardiac events in a stable, post-MI population not taking statin therapy at baseline.
  • Inositol supplementation helps pregnancy rates for IVF

    02 Feb 18

    Pretreatment of myoinositol is a very new method that was evaluated in multiple small studies to manage poor ovarian response in assisted reproduction. This study was to determine the efficacy of myoinositol supplement in infertile women undergoing ovulation induction for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) or in vitro fertilization embryo transfer (IVF-ET) (1). A meta-analysis was conducted and 7 trials were included. Inositol was associated with improved clinical pregnancy rates, as well as other positive factors. There were no differences in total oocytes retrieved. The authors conclude that myoinositol supplement increase clinical pregnancy rate in infertile women undergoing ovulation induction for ICSI or IVF-ET. It may improve the quality of embryos, and reduce the unsuitable oocytes and required amount of stimulation drugs.

  • Vitamin B12 after gastric bypass

    02 Feb 18

    Vitamin B12 after gastric bypass Many guidelines recommend vitamin B12 injections in those with gastric bypass surgery. This study reviewed the efficacy and to see if oral B12 is adequate (1). The authors examined medical databases and obtained 19 articles to review. The results showed that oral vitamin B12 at doses of less than 15 mcg are insufficient to prevent deficiency in bypass patients. Higher supplementation doses showed better results, and in particular, doses of 1000mcg per day lead to an increase in B12 levels and was sufficient for prevention of deficiency. The authors conclude it’s best to utilize this dose after gastric bypass surgery to help prevent deficiency.
  • Folic acid supplementation for stroke prevention in patients with cardiovascular disease

    26 Jan 18

    Folic acid supplementation for stroke prevention in patients with cardiovascular disease This study examined the effect of folic acid supplementation on stroke prevention in patients with cardiovascular disease (1). Multiple medical databases were searched to identify appropriate studies. Relative risks were used to examine the association. Statistical analyses were conducted. The results showed that 11 studies with 65,790 patients were included. Folic acid supplementation was associated with a significant benefit in reducing risk of stroke in patients with cardiovascular disease. Greater effects were seen in participants with decreased homocysteine concentrations, those with doses of less than 2mg, and populations in regions with no or partly fortified grain. The authors conclude that folic acid supplementation is effective in stroke prevention in these populations.
  • Evaluating smoking cessation interventions in those with chronic diseases

    26 Jan 18

    Evaluating smoking cessation interventions in those with chronic diseases In this study, the authors evaluated the effects of a psychological intervention and psychological plus drug intervention on smoking cessation among male smokers with a single chronic disease (1). 509 male smokers were divided into groups, according to their will. Physicians provided free individual counselling and follow-up interviews with brief counselling for all the subjects. Some patients also received buproprion or varenicline to quit smoking. The outcomes were self-reported. The results showed that at 7 days, abstinence rates were higher in the psychological plus drug group. The 3 month continuous abstinence rate was not statistically different between the groups. The authors conclude that the psychological intervention and psychological plus drugs intervention exerted good effects on smoking cessation in a short time. Nevertheless, the advantages did not appear during long-time (6 months) follow-up.