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  • 31 Aug 20

    Would it surprise you to know that the human colon contains about 3.3lbs of bacteria?[1] This microbiota is practically its own organ, acting as an entire ecosystem, with its own immune system, nervous system, and the ability to influence what the body absorbs from inside the intestinal lumen.

  • 18 Oct 19

    FertilityIt can be difficult for many women to find and utilize non hormonal options when it comes to fertility. This includes women who want to become pregnant but also those who are looking to avoid pregnancy. With many women and couples having misconceptions regarding the fertile period of a woman’s cycle, it is more advantageous to educate women on their fertile signs for greater chances of either conception or avoidance of conception.[1]

  • 20 Sep 19

    Preparing FThinking of conceiving? You may have heard about the “100 days”—the time it takes for an egg to mature. For men, it takes about 80 days for sperm to mature. During this time of development and maturation, a woman’s follicles and a man’s sperm are extremely vulnerable to DNA damage from exposure to toxins, systemic or chronic inflammation, and nutrient deficiencies. This means that for many who are ready to or are thinking of conceiving in the not-so-far future, the health of their eggs and sperm can be greatly impacted before they are even released, either during ovulation or ejaculation. This is the window that we need to take advantage of, to increase the health of our eggs and sperm to increase the odds of a viable and healthy egg, and fertilization.

  • 31 May 19

    The structure of the pelvic floor creates a support system for the pelvic organs. These muscles, composed by the pelvic diaphragm and elevator ani complex, form a sling around the urethra, distal vagina, and rectum.

  • 30 Apr 19

    We often think of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) as a hormonal disorder, but it’s also (and maybe even predominantly) a metabolic one.

  • 08 Nov 18

    Fluctuating sex hormones during the menstrual cycle can lead to changes in energy, mood, or physical symptoms, most commonly in the late luteal phase.

  • 11 Oct 18

    Your period is late—really late. You’re not pregnant, and you’re not menopausal. You may have missed one cycle or several. Of course, it’s worrisome: Many women who have missed one or more periods often take several pregnancy tests just to be certain. But the causes of a missed period go well beyond the possibility of pregnancy.

  • 18 Sep 18

    When it comes to women’s cervical health, the Pap test, also known as a Pap smear, is significantly important in reducing the incidence of cervical cancer.[1]

  • 14 Jun 18

    The availability of contraceptive birth control has been incredibly supportive of women’s autonomy over reproductive health. As women, we’ve been given this amazing opportunity to be in control of our bodies; whether it be for preventing an accidental pregnancy, or for obtaining relief from hormonal dysfunction.

  • 17 May 18

    Sure, dental cleaning is great for our oral health, but did you know that it can also improve the wellness of your whole body? Daily toothbrushing and flossing is crucial to maintain the health of our gums and teeth; however, this might actually be more important in pregnant women and those looking to conceive.

  • 22 Apr 18

    When travelling to tropical and subtropical regions, there is always a chance of contracting a bacterial infection that turns into traveller’s diarrhea.

  • 10 Mar 18

    Prenatal genetic testing is used to determine if a fetus has, or is at risk of developing, a genetic disorder. These disorders are caused by changes, often deletions or duplications, in fetal DNA and chromosomes. Two main types of testing often performed are screening and diagnosis. Screening tests typically look for aneuploidy—an abnormal number of chromosomes

  • 20 Feb 18

    Sleep problems are very common in children. Those between the ages of 2-8 years-old often exhibit snoring or breathing difficulties, which can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The main reason for this is due to the size of the adenoids and/or tonsils relative to the diameter of the upper airway at this point of physical development. The consequences of this go beyond being a “noisy” sleeper as apnea ....

  • 18 Dec 17

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  • 09 Nov 17

    Understanding and Treating Menstrual Mood Disorders - Naturopathic Approaches to PMDDMost women are very familiar with premenstrual syndrome (PMS), though how each individual woman experiences PMS can vary completely. Rapid fluctuations in sex hormones can lead to changes in energy, mood, and/or physical symptoms throughout her cycle, most predominantly during the last week of the luteal phase.

  • 04 Oct 17

    Probiotics and Fibre Prevention and Treatment of Gestational DiabetesGestational diabetes (GDM) is a diagnosis that describes glucose intolerance with the onset of diabetes during pregnancy in a previously nondiabetic woman. With a prevalence of 8–18% in Canadian pregnancies, screening is recommended after approximately 24 weeks gestation.

  • 15 Sep 17

    Ginger - Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic in DysmenorrheaZingiber officinale, known commonly as ginger, has been widely recognized for its action as an antinausea remedy. However, traditional Chinese medicine has used ginger as an anti-inflammatory agent for musculoskeletal complaints for more than 2500 years.

  • 02 Jun 17

    Tracking your Menstrual Cycles DemystifiedUnderstanding your menstrual cycle involves more than just estimating your next period. Knowing your body and tracking your menstrual cycles can provide insight into your hormonal and reproductive health. You might be experiencing symptoms that we usually label as “normal,” when we should be calling them “common.”

  • 03 May 17

    Protein Requirements - What Is Required for Optimal Health?There are many controversies in health-care regarding the proper amount of dietary protein needed for optimal health. Previous concerns of high-protein diets included increased risk of renal (kidney) diseases, and decreases in bone mineral density from leaching of calcium and nutrients from bone.

  • 16 Feb 17

    Benefits and Practices of Mindfulness - A Naturopathic PerspectiveWhen was the last time you remember truly being in the moment? When was the last time you were able to quiet all the thoughts racing through your head, and just allowed yourself to enjoy the present moment?

  • 15 Jan 17

    Is It a Yeast Infection? - Common Vaginal Infections and Their Prevention
    Vaginal infections are a common cause for women to either seek help from their doctor, or to self-medicate with over-the-counter preparations. It’s hard not to self-prescribe with so many easy applications available for yeast infections.

  • 22 Dec 16

    Acute Inflammation in Physical Activity and RecoveryAcute inflammation is something we want to get rid of so we can return to play and feel more comfortable. But inflammation has a purpose and a place in the short-term.

  • 03 Nov 16

    There are literally trillions of living microorganisms inside of you, with the power of suggestion over you.

  • 06 Oct 16

    Endometriosis - Naturopathic ApproachesEndometriosis is a disorder characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue in locations of the body outside the uterus. These lesions of tissue respond to hormonal stimuli, such as estrogen, and can be the cause of extreme pelvic pain in many women.