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Editor's Letter

  • Menopause

    Most women spend their entire lives waiting for their menstrual cycle to end. “No more discomfort!” we cry, thinking that this glorious time will bring cessation of all our hormone imbalances, headaches, skin concerns, bloating, mood swings, and of course risk of pregnancy.

  • Fasting

    Fasting is a voluntary abstinence from food or any calorie-containing drinks for a specific period. In plain terms, fasting is the act of not eating, as simple as that, but let’s not be misguided by the simplicity of fasting, because health benefits that you’ll get from simply restraining from food are numerous and amazing.

  • Cosmeceuticals

    Age-defying serum to reduce wrinkles? Under-eye cream to eradicate puffiness? Deep-cleansing mask to abolish acne? Welcome to the world of cosmeceuticals—a unique and relatively new term it is. Essentially, a cosmeceutical can be any cosmetic product with active, and often naturally derived, ingredients used for a medical, dermatological, or cosmetic purpose.

  • Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, as of 2010, the diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) applied to roughly 1.4% of the Canadian population aged 12 and over. Unfortunately, because it is often poorly understood by the medical system, it also likely goes undiagnosed in many patients.

  • Borderline Personality Disorder

    BPD is described as a pattern of instability in multiple facets of life. People with this disorder often have emotional regulation issues and difficulty tolerating distress. They engage in self-harm activities, impulsivity, and attempted suicides. They typically feel empty inside, have mood swings, and may experience dissociations or paranoia. Abandonment, whether real or perceived, is a big trigger for someone with BPD. They may react with anger, and they have difficulty tolerating these experiences.

  • Vegetarian Diets and Anemia

    There is a growing trend, particularly among young people, toward adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet. In fact, an article from the Toronto Metro—written by Aly Thompson and published March 13, 2018—reported on a Dalhousie University poll showing that Canadians under 35 years old were “three times more likely to consider themselves vegetarians or vegans than people 49 or older.”

  • Herbs at Home

    Plants grow all around us; some with medicinal value we might not be aware of. Beyond health-promoting fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods, local herbs and spices and those easily obtained from the grocery store are ready and waiting for us to call on them for their assistance. If you are adventurous, you may want to grow some of these herbs yourself to have a ready supply.

  • Supporting a Healthy Liver

    Every organ in the body has a unique and essential role in maintaining balance in the body. The harmony that is created when they all work well together can really energize us—but can equally deplete us when offset. The liver is an integral part of health and serves as a crossroads between many systems of the body.

  • Understanding Food Sensitivities

    In my line of work, many patients come with chronic conditions that affect their quality of life, for which there has been little to no “standard” solution. Symptoms such as slowly worsening fatigue, weight gain, skin rashes, headaches, and joint pain are common complaints.

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Dysmenorrhoea, or pain during menstruation, is a common problem. While not necessarily the case, symptoms such as dysmenorrhoea, heavy or irregular bleeding, pelvic pain, pain during exercise, pain during urination and/or defecation, as well as bloating, nausea, and vomiting, can be associated with a certain condition of the female reproductive system known as endometriosis.

  • Do Whole Grains Cause Diabetes? - A Review of Evidence

    If most people were asked the question: “What causes diabetes?” the vast majority of people will simply say: “Sugar,” and if questioned further, likely the individual will have the impression that “sugar” also means “carbs.” The practical implication of this way of thinking is a growing number of people are under the impression that all carbohydrates are “bad.”

  • Dealing with Shingles - Naturopathic Approaches

    Shingles is often touted as an infection of the elderly. We see commercials on TV for the shingles vaccine, and everyone pictured is over the age of 60. Perhaps the pain of shingles can be much more debilitating at that age, but the reality is that anyone who has had chickenpox is susceptible to shingles—no matter how old you are.

  • Before Starting Hormonal Contraceptives - What You Need to Know

    The availability of contraceptive birth control has been incredibly supportive of women’s autonomy over reproductive health. As women, we’ve been given this amazing opportunity to be in control of our bodies; whether it be for preventing an accidental pregnancy, or for obtaining relief from hormonal dysfunction.

  • Allergic Rhinitis - Curcumin and Probiotics Can Help

    Allergic rhinitis (AR)—known for causing watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and nasal congestion—is becoming more common in developed countries. In Canada, up to 44% of individuals claim to have experienced AR symptoms, while 20% have been diagnosed by their medical doctors. For some, it happens mostly during spring or fall, termed “seasonal allergies,” and for others, it is present all year round, aka “perennial allergies.”

  • What Does It Mean to Be Adrenal-Fatigued? - Naturopathic Assessments and Supports

    These days, it is quite rare to meet someone who does not identify with fatigue or stress on some level. Adrenal insufficiency is a common diagnosis amongst naturopathic doctors and alternative practitioners, but few will fully investigate the extent of the insufficiency and determine the right herb for the right person.