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Editor's Letter

  • Diabetes
    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic degenerative disease affecting multiple organ systems that results from the inability to regulate blood sugar, also called glucose, levels. Diabetes had been called “the epidemic of the 21st century” because it is increasingly affecting more and more people; this year is estimated that over 7% of Canadians have been affected by diabetes

  • Fertility
    Insulin resistance is a common condition, affecting 10% of young adults and nearly 44% of adults in mid-life. It is now known that genetic factors play a role in insulin resistance. Diet, body composition, and exercise levels are also major causes, explaining the growing incidence of this disorder with modern lifestyles. Interestingly, insulin resistance may also contribute to infertility

  • The Many Uses of Melatonin

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    gout We live in a society where 10% to 37% of the adult population suffers from insomnia, a problem which affects people’s psychomotor performance, causes sleepiness, accidents, and memory impairment.These people usually fall into one of 3 categories: difficulty getting to sleep, maintaining sleep, and both. Many people have heard about the use of melatonin for a better night’s sleep. However, there are also many uses of melatonin that people are generally unaware of.
  • Acupuncture and Women’s health

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    Menstrual concerns are common problem in women’s health, encompassing a wide range of concerns including premenstrual syndrome (PMS), painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea), and irregular or absent periods (amenorrhea). These symptoms can be a part of several medical conditions including polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and uterine fibroids. Although not life-threatening, these health issues negatively impact the quality of a woman’s life and signal unresolved underlying problems.

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Dis-entangling a Multifactorial Condition

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    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an increasingly common digestive condition, affecting up to 20% of individuals. IBS is protean in its manifestations, with symptoms variable from person to person, and can include a combination of any of the following symptoms: bloating, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, and cramping. It is not unusual for IBS to be intermittent; becoming worse for certain periods of time, easing for some time, and then flaring up again. Although IBS is not a life threatening disease, it is a nuisance

  • Low Intensity Laser Therapy - A Non-Invasive Option for Treatment

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    High powered, intense heat laser therapy has been used surgically to ablate tissue since the mid-20th century. While laser has been used in the Soviet Union and Europe since the 1970s, it wasn’t until the early 1990s that laser therapy entered North America. In 2002 the first laser therapy device was cleared by the FDA. Today, low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is an emerging clinical tool used by naturopathic doctors, medical doctors, and rehabilitation specialists that is rapidly gaining momentum because of its non-invasive nature

  • Natural Health Products in Pregnancy

    An emerging area of study is dedicated to studying the impact of early life factors including nutrition on the development of disease later on in life. The fetal origins of adult disease (FOAD) are a field devoted to investigating the link between maternal/fetal conditions during prenatal life, and chronic disease risk in adult life. Although this makes intuitive sense, the extent of its influence was not realized until relatively recently.

  • Gout - a Natural Approach

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    Gout is a severely painful inflammatory joint condition that most commonly affects the large toe, and (more rarely) the knee. Up to 4% of western populations are affected, making this the most common inflammatory arthritis. Gout attacks are acutely painful, and although they resolve rapidly on treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, they may recur frequently; up to 60% of patients with gout will have recurrent attacks within one year or suffer from chronic gout.

  • Focus on Men’s Health

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    Focus on Men’s Health
    Though not popularly discussed, prostate health or lack thereof impacts most men as they approach the age of 50 or older. It is hard to believe that this little organ, about the size of a walnut, can be so important. Nonetheless, prostate disease falls into two general categories: benign prostate disease and prostate cancer.

  • Polycystic Kidney Disease - Natural Approaches in a Genetic Disease

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    Polycystic Kidney Disease
    Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disease in which multiple cysts grow on the kidneys. As the cysts expand in size, they impinge on the normal structure of the kidney, and there is a decrease in kidney function. In people with severe forms of the disease, this leads to a condition called end-stage renal disease (ESRD), which refers to such low kidney filtering function that dialysis and kidney transplantation become necessary.

  • Brain on Fire - Connection Between Inflammation and Depression

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    Brain on Fire
    North America is suffering from an epidemic of chronic inflammatory disease, caused by changes in our food supply, diet, and lifestyle. While you may be very familiar with joint or muscle inflammation, or with inflammatory diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and arthritis, you may not realize that we experience inflammation in our brain, or that when we look at the biochemistry behind depression, inflammation is considered a major contributing factor.

  • Insomnia - GABA-based support

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    Insomnia is the inability to fall or stay sleep; it is not only physically and emotionally stressful, but has also been proven to lead to increased risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and depression. Insomnia is a complex problem, and may be influenced by stress hormones as well as imbalances in neurotransmitters such as excess epinephrine or deficient serotonin and melatonin.

  • Magnesium and the Human Body

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    Minerals are chemical elements that provide structure and regulate the internal environment in living organisms. Despite making up only a small fraction of the body, only 4% of total body weight, their importance is markedly undervalued. In fact, human life would not even be possible without them.

  • Social Anxiety Disorder

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    Approximately 13% of the population experience social anxiety over the course of their lifetime, the most common form of all anxiety disorders. After alcohol abuse and depression it is the most common psychiatric illness. Many questions and controversies surrounding its diagnosis and treatment still remain.

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common women’s health concern, affecting between 5-20% of women of reproductive age. Polycystic ovary syndrome is so named as a reflection of the multiple cysts that form in the ovaries of these women, and which are visible on ultrasound. Although PCOS primarily affects ovarian function, it is important to note that it is a diffuse syndrome affecting many aspects of a woman’s physical function, including skin, hair, cardiovascular health, and risk of diabetes.