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Editor's Letter

  • Happiness - The Highest Form of Health

    Happiness - The Highest Form of HealthThomas Jefferson once said, “Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits”. More recently, the Dalai Lama has described happiness as “the highest form of health”, and Leigh Hunt has stated, “The ground work for all happiness is health”.

  • Primary Dysmenorrhea - Naturopathic Treatment Options

    Primary Dysmenorrhea - Naturopathic Treatment OptionsThe term “dysmenorrhea” is commonly used to describe painful menstruation. Considered one of the most common conditions in women’s health, its effective treatment relies on determining and addressing the root cause. When the pain is due to a specific pelvic or systemic condition, it is referred to as “secondary dysmenorrhea”; in the absence of disease or physical abnormalities, menstrual pain is referred to as “primary dysmenorrhea”.

  • Parkinson’s Disease - Naturopathic Approaches

    Parkinson’s Disease - Naturopathic ApproachesParkinson’s disease is one of the most common chronic and progressive neurodegenerative disorders. It typically begins after the age of 50, and it affects approximately 1% of individuals over 60. The lifetime risk of developing this condition is 2% for men and 1.3% for women.

  • Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity - Should we be worried?
    Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity - Should we be worried?Consumption of wheat has increased dramatically over the last decades. Wheat was once thought to be an important part of a healthy diet, but now is seen as a potential health threat for many individuals. Gluten is a food component found in wheat, rye, barley, and cereals. More specifically, it is a protein complex that is formed by gliadin and glutenin, typically used in processed foods as a stabilizing agent. Celiac disease (CD) is a complex chronic immune-mediated disorder whose gastrointestinal symptoms are triggered by eating gluten.

  • 2014-07-02
    Eliminating Pain - Naturopathic ApproachesToday more people than ever are seeking naturopathic care, especially for long standing conditions including but not limited to anxiety, diabetes, depression and cardiovascular disease. What many people may not realize is that naturopathic doctors are also well trained in treating acute injuries as well as more chronic cases of pain caused by previous injuries or other conditions including osteoarthritis. Dealing with pain, whether from a recent injury or from a long standing condition can be very difficult.

  • Atopic Dermatitis - An Itchy Subject
    Atopic Dermatitis - An Itchy SubjectAtopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a chronic and/or relapsing inflammatory skin condition, which often begins in childhood and persists into adulthood. According to the World Allergy Association, the term “atopic” refers to the genetic predisposition to develop an allergic reaction and produce IgE antibodies in response to the exposure to an allergen, usually proteins.

  • Sports Performance and Nutrition - A Comprehensive Guide

    If you are serious about athletics, or know someone who is, you already know that athletes are a slightly different breed of human. They flirt with the extreme limits of human physiology, and feed off the adrenaline it produces. Their success often hinges on the most seemingly nominal criteria: seconds, ounces, and inches.

  • postpartum
    The Postpartum Period - Incidence and Risk Factors of Autoimmune DiseasesPregnancy can be one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life. It can also be one of the most stressful times, especially if the pregnancy is complicated with health issues. There are many common and familiar “side effects” of pregnancy, such as nausea, heartburn, and fatigue. However, there are also more serious conditions that can develop following pregnancy, and the symptoms should not be ignored or brushed aside, as they can potentially be signs of new disease onset, and could greatly affect long-term health.

  • The Paleolithic Diet
    Alzheimer’s Disease
    Today’s modern diet may lead to numerous chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. These health conditions are strongly linked to affluence. The Paleolithic Diet (or Paleo diet) has been extremely popular in communities that are health-conscious. It has steadily been gaining momentum and is now being featured on television, in magazines, and on various blogs. It is worthwhile being a bit cautious before making any major changes, since some of the marketing done around the Paleo diet can sometimes be extreme.

  • Quercetin A compound from fruits and vegetables with a wide range of health benefits
    Quercetin is a member of the flavonoid family of compounds. Flavonoids, sometimes referred to as bioflavonoids, are part of what give fruits and vegetables colour. Quercetin is more specifically a flavonol, which is a subclass of flavonoids. There are many subclasses of flavonoids, and within each subclass, there are many compounds. Quercetin is just one of the compounds in the flavonol subclass. The compounds in each subclass have a similar chemical structure.

  • Anxiety - Helpful Herbs

    Anxiety is extremely common. Practically everyone experiences symptoms of anxiety, but the majority of the time, they are short-lived and do not cause problems. Anxiety can be a beneficial part of our existence when experienced in the short term. An example would be when it alerts us to imminent danger. This was especially useful in the past, when we would face life-threatening obstacles.

  • Postconcussion Syndrome - A Naturopathic Approach
    Alzheimer’s DiseaseConcussions are extremely common in our society — an estimated 75% of all people will experience one in their lifetime!The majority of people recover completely from concussions within a week or two; yet, for a considerable number of people, the negative effects can last for months and even years. Mood symptoms like anxiety, irritability, and depression coincide with physical symptoms like headaches, fatigue, nausea, and dizziness; added to that are cognitive symptoms like problems with memory, decision making, and concentration difficulties. This constellation of symptoms is known as postconcussion syndrome (PCS).

  • mens health
    Alzheimer’s DiseaseAccording to the National Institutes of Health, more men need to pay attention to their health. Compared to women, men are more likely to smoke and drink, make unhealthy choices, and delay checkups and medical care. For many men, these obstacles are compounded on top of any underlying health issues they may have or that may run in their families. There are also conditions that impact only men, such as prostate issues and erectile dysfunction.

  • Alzheimer’s Disease
    Alzheimer’s DiseaseAlzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disease that slowly eats away at memories and causes problems with thinking. As the degeneration progresses, it can lead to the inability to complete even simple tasks. Symptoms typically will begin to appear after the age of 60. Alzheimer’s is considered the most common cause of dementia, which means loss of cognitive functioning and the loss of some behavioural functioning.

  • Sublingual Immunotherapy

    Seasonal allergies, including allergic rhinitis, are thought to affect up to 20% of the population.[1] Allergy is a major cause of absenteeism and restricted activity in both children and adults. Allergy prevalence begins in infancy, peaking in childhood and adolescence, continuing in adulthood, and decreasing in the elderly.