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Editor's Letter

  • Plant Sterols - A Metabolically Active Medicine

    Plant sterols and stanols, also known as phytosterols, are a class of steroid-like molecules naturally found in plants such as vegetables, nuts, and vegetable oils. Over 200 plant sterols have been identified; some of the most commonly occurring plant sterols include beta-sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol.

  • Green Tea — New Uses for An Old Medicine

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    Green Tea — New Uses for An Old MedicineGreen tea dry leaves from the plant Camellia sinensis, is best known as a component of the traditional Japanese diet, served as small 100 ml cups of tea. Green tea is a rich source of antioxidant flavonoids, in particular the category of flavonoids called catechins. Recently, green tea has received attention for its possible anticancer effects, as well as for more novel uses, including antiviral effects and anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Antiaging - A Natural Approach to Youthful Skin

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    Antiaging - A Natural Approach to Youthful SkinAs baby boomers head into their golden years, research and marketing have followed suit, offering skin-care and food products, as well as more invasive procedures that aim at providing youthful, flawless, glowing skin. As the focus shifts towards maintaining youth both in appearance and on the inside, people are turning to all sorts of treatments in an attempt to look and feel their best.

  • Cancer - An Introduction to a Naturopathic Perspective

    Incidence refers to the number of new cases of a particular disease or condition in a given year. In general, incidence rates have been slowly increasing in Canada, although in theory this could be explained in part due to better detection and an aging demographic, rather than an increased risk of cancer.

  • Nutrients for eye health

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    Nutrients for eye health Degenerative Eye Disease and AntioxidantsDegenerative eye disease entails gradual loss of vision due to chronic degenerative processes affecting the retina. The retina can be considered as “the back of the eyeball,” and is where the specialized cells, or photoreceptors, designed to detect light and convert light signals into nerve impulses that can be interpreted by the brain.

  • Probiotics - Wide spectrum of important health benefits

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    Probiotics - Wide spectrum of important health benefitsProbiotics are live microorganisms that inhabit the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts and the skin. They are often referred to as “friendly bacteria” as they have a protective role in maintaining health. Probiotics have multiple functions such as: preventing the spread of harmful bacteria and infection; stimulating balance and priming the intestinal immune system

  • Three important interactions - What you should know about herbs, drugs, and nutrients

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    Three important interactions - What you should know about herbs, drugs, and nutrientsCurrently, there exists much information, as well as mis-information, about interactions between certain herbs & nutrients and drugs. Some of the most common questions we receive as naturopathic doctors (ND) pertain to this area. This is a very complex area, and we certainly encourage you to consult with a trained healthcare provider such as an ND if you are on any medications.

  • Flax seeds - Hype or Superfood?

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    Flax seedsSuper foods have recently gained popularity. Consumers are interested in adding foods to their diet that pack a big punch in terms of nutritional content and therapeutic benefit. One super food with a very impressive range of benefits is the flax seed. Historical research has revealed that this small seed was cultivated 30,000 years ago

  • Elevated Blood Pressure - A Naturopathic Approach

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    High blood pressure, medically known as hypertension, is a well-recognized risk factor for cardiovascular disease, including stroke, angina, and heart attack, as well as other complications such as kidney disease and eye disease. It is important to control high blood pressure from the outset in order to reduce your long-term risk for these diseases.

  • Acupuncture, Pregnancy, and Perinatal Health

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    While becoming pregnant is wonderful news, especially for couples who have faced fertility challenges, it is only the beginning of the journey. Unfortunately not all pregnancies are 40 weeks of smooth sailing. Some women are faced with more serious concerns such as vaginal bleeding (and therefore presumed threatened miscarriages) giving rise to much stress and anxiety, while others suffer from severe nausea/vomiting.

  • Phosphatidylcholine - A versatile medicine

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    Phosphatidylcholine is an intriguing nutrient with a little-known but impressive range of functions in human health. Phosphatidylcholine is an essential phospholipid and serves as an important component of the cell membrane lipid bilayer as well as being an important source of choline, representing about 95% of choline tissue stores.

  • The Evolution of the Heart-Healthy Diet

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    The Evolution of the Heart-Healthy Diet
    The evolution of what is considered to be a “heart healthy diet” has undergone a long process of development. For instance, we have the low fat diet, the glycemic index diet, the Mediterranean diet, and the low carbohydrate diet. Each seems to have its own strengths, but this makes following an over-arching “heart health diet” confusing.

  • Immune Support

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    Coconut oil
    Autumn is a beautiful time of year, filled with excitement (or trepidation) for students and teachers alike. For most, fall also marks the end of vacation or summer hours, and the onset of a more rigorous work schedule. The combination of these various stressors, in addition to cooler weather fluctuations, also makes for the beginning of the dreaded cold-and-flu season. First, a child comes home with a sniffle, or a colleague down the hall has a dry cough

  • Coconut oil

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    Coconut oil
    From weight loss to memory to cholesterol regulation to everyday skincare, coconut oil has created quite the buzz in recent years about its effectiveness to address many common concerns. This may be surprising to some as Coconut oil was historically labelled as unhealthy, saturated oil, especially with respect to ischemic heart disease. While coconut oil is saturated, it is actually a very versatile, plant-based, health-promoting oil.

  • Passionflower
    The beautiful purple passionflower is renowned as an ornamental flower, but it has been touted as an effective herbal medicine in cultures around the globe for centuries.(1) The Aztecs of Mexico and South America used passionflower as a sedative and nerve tonic, a use which the Spanish conquistadors took back to Europe where use of passionflower has flourished.(2) This article will focus on the use of passionflower for neurological concerns