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Editor's Letter

  • Chronic Pain

    Chronic pain is a significant health issue, and it is estimated that one-half of those suffering with chronic pain have been suffering for longer than 10 years.[1] An estimated 54.4 million North Americans have been diagnosed with various arthritic disorders,[2] conditions that are typically treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

  • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

    Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a term used to describe the result of movement of bacteria from the large intestine into the small intestine. SIBO is defined as a bacterial population in the small intestine exceeding 105–106 organisms per millilitre; normally, less than 103 organisms per millilitre are found in this segment.[1]

  • Topicals to Manage Dry Skin in the Winter

    Gingerbread, candy canes, festive holidays… snow shovelling, shivering at the bus stop, and dealing with a dead car battery. People tend to fall into two camps, they are either itching for winter, or are frustratingly itching because of winter!

  • Edible Toxins: You Are What You Eat

    Toxins are all around us. Whether it’s the car fumes you inhale, the frozen dinner you eat, or the negative thoughts you have at work, toxins are everywhere.

  • Lifestyle is Medicine

    Imagine that you are or a loved one is recently diagnosed with a medical condition; let’s say hypertension. Since you are deeply concerned, a family physician is consulted, who prescribes an antihypertensive (e.g. lisinopril) and a statin to address elevated cholesterol levels that was found on bloodwork. Some time later, during a follow up-consult with a cardiologist, you are told that a bypass surgery is recommended due to a narrowed coronary artery (blood vessel nourishing the heart).

  • Hormones for Healthy Skin

    Most of us have heard that skin is the largest organ of our body. Our skin plays a crucial role in protecting us from pathogens and the elements, helping us eliminate waste material, regulating our body temperature, and conveying messages through the sensation of touch. It is a complex organ that is affected by our inner and outer environments, and we cannot talk about skin without talking about other organ systems.

  • Heart Disease

    To begin discussing this topic, we should first review the mechanisms behind developing CVD, so that we can discuss ways to prevent it as well as reverse it once an individual has developed it. As mentioned previously, the development of CVD begins with atherosclerosis. This is the term used by medical professionals to describe the process of plaque (fat, cholesterol, etc.) formation and the subsequent hardening of the walls of the arteries.

  • Diverticular Disease

    A large portion of people who see naturopathic doctors come with a chief concern of digestive issues. After months of scopes and bloodwork, they are often left without answers from their medical doctor and seek a new perspective. Other times, their diagnostic imaging tests reveal something significant, yet the medical system is still at a loss for treatment options.

  • Understanding Arthritis

    A common misunderstanding is that arthritis is a single disease; however, arthritis just refers to any joint pain or joint disease. In fact, arthritis consists of more than 100 different conditions, which range from relatively mild forms of tendonitis to more systemic forms, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Quitting Smoking

    In this part of the world, it is common knowledge that smoking cigarettes is detrimental to health and that the effects of second-hand smoke are just as dangerous to family and friends.Government legislation has forced many people to quit smoking by making it more challenging to continue the addiction, enforcing a 20-feet (6 m) or 30 feet (9 m) boundary around most public buildings, and making it illegal to smoke within any public building.

  • Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease

    Gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD) is the backwards flow of stomach contents into the esophagus, often referred to as “heartburn” or “acid reflux.” GERD most commonly results from increased abdominal pressure or a dysfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a bundle of muscles located at the end of the esophagus where it meets the stomach.

  • Food Allergies v. Sensitivities v. Intolerances

    Do you ever feel bloated or constipated? Maybe you experience headaches or skin reactions that appear to have no known cause? Maybe you’re constantly tired, unable to concentrate or focus? The reason for these reactions may surprise you and have you looking no further than your dinner plate.

  • Eating Disorders

    In a world where ideas about healthy eating and “fit” bodies are inundating the public constantly, it feels like it has become important to distinguish between a true, diagnosable eating disorder and a normal, societal consumption with thoughts of food and body—because they are not the same. What would be considered “normal” within a culture that has become incredibly abnormal around food/body is a topic for another day!

  • Curcumin

    The core of diabetes prevention and treatment relies on diet modification and exercise. The outcomes delivered when such strategies are utilized are of a very large and important magnitude. Yet, the ability to include a supplemental strategy to enhance these outcomes is certainly desirable.

  • Gardening

    There are many things that I enjoy, but on the top of this list, in a close call with spending time with my three awesome kids, is gardening. From the first few warm weather days of spring until the crisp autumn air sends me inside to warm up with my botanical references, you can find me in the garden. Whether it be with the vegetables, herbs, or various perennials that I have collected over the years, gardening fills me with a joy that I’m sure others can relate to.