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Editor's Letter

  • Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries and Concussions

    Mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBIs) and postconcussion syndrome are becoming more of a public health concern. Although termed “mild,” the effects can certainly be debilitating and severe in some cases. The symptoms of postconcussion syndrome include headaches, memory and concentration difficulties, irritability, fatigue, nausea, visual disturbances, light and noise sensitivity, judgement problems, depression, and anxiety.

  • Integrative Treatment for Endometriosis

    Endometriosis is one of the most common chronic gynecological conditions in women of reproductive age. Not only is it associated with severe, debilitating pain, but it can also have significant implications for a woman’s fertility.[1]

  • Health Effects of Proper Breathing Techniques

    Be honest, how often do you notice and pay attention to your breathing? A couple times a day, once a week, once a month... maybe never? Many of us are doing our best to get healthy by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins sources, and healthy fats as well as exercising, and trying to reduce our stress, but often the same can't be said of breathing.

  • Concussion Management - Long-Term Consequences of Repeated Brain Trauma

    As Canadians, athletes are our celebrities. They win us championships and gain us worldwide recognition. They put our cities on the map and encourage future generations to continue their success. Because the retirement age for most sports is fairly young, we rarely hear about our celebrity athletes after they leave their sport. Hockey players, football players, and boxers all sustain tremendous amounts of head trauma over their career. Repetitive brain injury creates lasting effects on their physical and mental health, which we rarely hear about on the news.

  • PMS - Natural Approaches and Supplement Options

    Premenstrual symptoms affect up to 80% of women. For many, these symptoms are bothersome but do not necessarily impact their daily functioning. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), however, affects up to 20% of women. This diagnosis is defined by a woman’s experience of at least one physical and one psychiatric symptom each month in the second half of her cycle (7–14 days before her period), that alleviate with or shortly after the onset of menses.

  • Meditation and Prayer How They Can Help You Live Longer

    In an ever-evolving and modernizing world, we often overlook some of the simplest things. Many cultures are based around certain foods and religious values that teach a way of life. In these cultures, practising these religious values creates a sense of community that binds the group together and further emphasizes the culture. But as families move to new cities and countries, holding on to that cultural upbringing that includes religion becomes harder and harder.

  • Ketosis and the Keto Diet - Naturopathic Perspectives

    What is ketosis and the keto diet? Is it good for you, or is it just another lifestyle trend that we’ll forget about in a few years? In this article, we’ll try to answer this question and review the available evidence to see what we can learn.

  • Headache Supports Naturopathic Perspectives

    There are various supports for headache management such as supplements, acupuncture/body work, and herbal medicine.
    Headaches can be divided into different categories, determining treatment type.

  • Fasting A Scientific Explanation

    Fasting has been around for generations as part of cultural spiritual practices. Today, it is used for proper weight maintenance, healing from disease, and prevention. Humans are metabolically flexible: We are able to change the source of energy that we use to power our cells depending on the available resources. Ultimately, it is the production of ketones that generates the healing ability of a fast, disease prevention, and increased longevity.

  • Sleep and the Immune System - Naturopathic Perspectives

    Hitting the hay, sawing logs, catching ZZZs— these are terms we use to describe sleep, but what is happening is more like a well-timed orchestra performance. Areas of the brain work in concert; some turn on and some turn off, directed by cues from light and chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. However, recent research suggests that sleep is not a process confined to the brain but that can receive input from the entire body, most prominently through the immune system.

  • Reiki - Does It Fit with Naturopathic Medicine?

    Energy medicine comes in many forms, defined as
    anything that works on the energetic biofield of the
    human body, also known as the aura. Focusing on
    this aspect of health in turn has a ripple effect into
    other aspects including emotional, mental, physical,
    and even spiritual. I would like to focus this article
    specifically on reiki of the Usui origin.

  • Persistent Depressive Disorder - The Emotional Equivalent of Watching Paint Dry

    Sadness, hopelessness and loss of interest in previously interesting activities are the hallmark of a serious, well-known mood disorder commonly referred to as depression. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) defines the disorder based on specific emotions that one must feel for a set amount of time.

  • Collagen - What Is It and What Are the Health Benefits?

    Collagen peptides have seemingly appeared out of nowhere. They are being advertised on social media, can be found on the covers of magazines… even my hairdresser has been talking about how she adds collagen peptides to her smoothie! But what are collagen peptides? Why is everyone adding this powder to their coffee, smoothies, or breakfast oatmeal bowl? And the real question is: Should you be adding collagen peptides to your diet as well?

  • ADHD Drugs and Their Effects in Children - Understanding the Pharmacology of ADHD and How it Works

    In many parts of the world, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is not a common diagnosis. But in North America, a large portion of the pediatric population is being screened and diagnosed with ADHD every day. While there are differences in culture and diet, could there be more that we are missing in our understanding of this developmental condition?

  • Heal Your Gut, Heal Your Mind

    Irritable bowel disease (IBD) includes ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD). It is one of the five most prevalent gastrointestinal diseases in the United States. People with IBD and other gastrointestinal diseases like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) suffer from the effects of damaged gut tissue due to inflammation. The symptoms are often life-altering, painful, and chronic.[1]