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Editor's Letter

  • Oral Supplements for Skin Health & Beauty

    Let’s begin our review today by having you imagine a typical skincare & beauty products aisle lining most pharmacies, department and cosmetics stores. In all likelihood, topical products like those containing retinols, antioxidant, and moisturizers were among those which came to mind.

  • Supports for Liver Detoxification

    The body’s ability to detoxify uses several organs such as kidneys, the liver, the skin, bowels, and the lymphatic system. The liver involves phase 1 and phase 2 enzymes.

  • B Vitamins: Should They Be Taken Together or Apart?

    We know that vitamins play an important role in our energy and daily metabolic functions. We know that eating a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables can help lower the risk of chronic disease and support brain functions. B vitamins are crucial to brain health and can reduce the intensity of mental illness, including symptoms relating to anxiety, depression, and chronic fatigue.

  • Reducing Leg Swelling and Varicose Veins in Pregnancy - Naturopathic Perspectives

    With pregnancy come major changes in circulation. It’s no wonder: With an increase in body weight from the fetus and surrounding fluid, extra pressure is added onto organs and other structures like the weaker-walled veins. The body’s blood volume also increases and these changes can result in swelling, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids.

  • Premenstrual Syndrome Factors that Cause and Aggravate PMS

    Hormones are essential signaling molecules in the body, but can create extreme pain and discomfort for women if they are out of balance. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) has been the brunt of many jokes over many decades. However, the truth of this syndrome can be devastating for the sufferer, her relationships and her career.

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Fertility Naturopathic Perspectives

    Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders. PCOS affects one in every five women of the reproductive age.

  • Nutritional and Herbal Medicine for Anxiety Disorders Naturopathic Approaches

    Anxiety is a very common mental-health disorder and can have implications on all aspects of one’s life. This may come from a variety of factors such as finances, relationships, health, and more. Anxiety lends itself well to natural treatments such as herbal medicine, supplements, and lifestyle modification

  • Creatively Coping - The Benefits of Being Creative

    As the COVID-19 pandemic seemed to shut down the world, grocery stores, or at least what was left on the shelves at grocery stores, became an indicator of where people were at in their experience of the stressful event.

  • The Gut–Lung Microbiome Axis A Bidirectional Immune Highway

    By now, most of us have heard the word microbiome—the collection of trillions of functional bacteria of all different species found in many places throughout our bodies, such as our skin, gut, mouth, vagina, and lungs.

  • Neuralgia and Neuropathy - Naturopathic Treatments

    Peripheral neuropathy is a common type of neuralgia, with diabetic neuropathy and postherpetic neuralgia being the most common types.

  • Eating Fat Isn’t the Only Thing Causing Fatty Liver Disease

    In many countries around the world, alcoholic beverages are built into the culture and religion. We consume it as a form of celebration and a form of self-medication. But over the years, it takes a toll on our organ system that works to filter it out. Fatty liver disease is a growing concern in the Western hemisphere, especially as new diagnoses include people of normal body weights and people who don’t drink alcohol.

  • Childhood Anxiety - A Naturopathic Approach

    Growing up with both parents in the teaching profession, over the years, I’ve grown accustomed to hearing commentary on “kids these days.” Lately, the conversation seems to centre around “anxious kids” or childhood anxiety. Not only do my parents see this in schools, but I hear about it all the time in my naturopathic practice from parents and even children themselves. The stats also seem to be in agreement.

  • Anxiety and Depression Evidence - Based Natural Solutions

    Depression and anxiety deplete your energy, desire, and hope. They make it difficult for you to take a step that can help you to feel better. Depression is the second most frequent medical condition seen in common medical practice around the world; it is caused by alterations of the neurotransmitters in our central nervous system.[1] It is a mood disorder that occurs differently in different individuals.

  • How to Manage Mood during Crises

    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) is a pandemic that has affected more than 200 countries all around the world, according to the World Health Organization. This disease outbreak, which started in January 2020, has shocked the world due to its uncontrollable spread and increasing death rate. Social isolation, reduced financial ability, and the lack of certainty about the future may cause symptoms of anxiety and depression in many individuals during this period. Amidst all this, many are worried about their own health status or the health of their loved ones.

  • The Naturopathic Pillars of Treating Adult Acne

    Acne (or acne vulgaris) is one of the most common skin conditions, affecting 64% of people in their 20s and 43% of people in their 30s. It affects the pilosebaceous units of the skin, which is essentially the oil gland and hair follicle. It usually affects the largest, hormone-responsive sebaceous glands such as those on the face, chest, neck and back.