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Editor's Letter

  • Naturopathic Approaches to Supporting the Kidneys

    The kidneys are one of the body’s most important filtration systems and are sometimes overlooked until there is an issue. In traditional Chinese medicine, the kidneys are often referred to as the “root of life,” and they play an important role in overall vitality, especially as we age.

  • From A to Zinc

    After iron, zinc is the most abundant element in the human body, with approximately 2 to 4 g distributed among the muscles (60%), bones (20%), liver, and skin. Given its abundance, concerns about zinc deficiency is often overlooked; however, as discussed in this article, certain populations and individuals may benefit from supplementation.

  • Adrenal Fatigue
    Adrenal fatigue affects individuals who suffer from a long stretch of physical, mental, environmental, or emotional stress. A “long stretch” can be defined as greater than three months. Adrenal fatigue can affect anyone, but individuals who are more likely to suffer from adrenal fatigue include single parents, individuals who are drug-dependent, those who have faced a life crisis or trauma, or those who have a stressful job circumstance.
  • Naturopathic Approach to Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs)
    Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) are compounds that are generated under hyperglycemic conditions. They could be formed endogenously, or they could be consumed from our diet. Increased presence of AGEs in the human body is associated with diverse age-related and chronic conditions...
  • Resilience
    There are still hard days ahead for some of us. The good news is that you can increase your inner resilience. You can learn skills and develop the capacity to handle stress and change. We all face adversity; the key is to emerge stronger than before.
  • Gluten and Its Impact on Chronic Disease
    Emerging health implications of gluten sensitivity reach far beyond the borders of the gastrointestinal tract. The gluten-sensitive spectrum includes different forms of manifestations: allergic (wheat allergy), autoimmune celiac disease (CD), dermatitis herpetiformis, gluten ataxia, and immune-mediated (nonceliac gluten sensitivity).
  • Why Sleep Is Nonnegotiable Medicine
    Even flowers (dandelions included!) close for the evening when the sun goes down. Sleep is an essential part of our being, integral to our existence. Yet, we still do not completely understand why.1 We do have some theories, and even without all the answers as to why we sleep, we do know it is important to our health—without question.
  • A Naturopathic Approach to Healing GERD

    Heartburn, sometimes referred to as acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is one of the most common digestive disorders affecting North Americans. Acid-suppressing medications (mostly proton-pump inhibitors [PPIs]) are the second most common medication prescribed in North America, after Lipitor (a cholesterol-reducing medication).

  • Teas and their Associated Health Benefits: An Evidence-based Discussion

    Tea and herbal teas have been historically used around the world by several cultures to raise their wellness in social meetups. The health-promoting advantages of teas have been discovered through many studies. Research shows that individuals who drink tea frequently have better cognitive function than those who do not drink tea.

  • Infections and Health

    Our family has not been sick since the spring. With two young kids, one starting preschool and the other in kindergarten, we would usually expect quite a few colds to roll through the household, especially at this time of the year. The statistics show that young children can get as many as eight to ten colds each year.[1]

  • Managing Facial Redness

    Facial redness, either over larger areas of the face or as localized “blotchiness,” is a common occurrence found in several skin concerns including rosacea, psoriasis, various types of dermatitis (such as contact skin irritation, eczema, and seborrheic dermatitis), and stress-induced physiologic flushing.

  • Getting the Right Balance of Omega Fatty Acids and Their Benefits for Pregnancy

    Much has been said about the saga of omega‑3 fatty acids, but better said twice than just once. Uncertainty persists regarding the true value of omega‑3 and ‑6 fatty acids, but also because we’re often deficient in essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). This article outlines the metabolism of PUFAs and some of the beneficial aspects of omega‑3 for conception and mothers.

  • Can Vitamin-D Crush the Next Wave?

    It was only a matter of time before a formal human clinical study supported the countless appeals from the scientific community to administer vitamin D to patients with COVID‑19. Just completed, the results confirm what previous study correlations proposed: Vitamin D, particularly safe and accessible to all, delivers resounding health benefits.

  • Influencing the Gut Microbiota and Host Health

    Would it surprise you to know that the human colon contains about 3.3lbs of bacteria?[1] This microbiota is practically its own organ, acting as an entire ecosystem, with its own immune system, nervous system, and the ability to influence what the body absorbs from inside the intestinal lumen.

  • Menopausal Hot Flashes
    Most women experience night sweats and hot flashes during their menopausal years. Hot flashes are instant feelings of heat that extend through the neck, face, and chest. According to research, about 85% of women report experiencing hot flashes during menopause [1]. Women can prevent or reduce these uncomfortable signs in many ways. Keep on reading to learn more about menopausal hot flashes!