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Editor's Letter

  • How to Use Essential Oils—Three Important Things!

    Essential oils (EOs) are specialized molecules derived from plants located in distinct areas like reservoirs, glandular hairs, specialized cells, or the interstitial space of cells. They function as protection against bacteria and temperature variations. 1 They are derived from all parts of the plant like the leaves, flowers, buds, shoots, stalks, fruit, and even resins.

  • Probiotics. Part 2/2

    Probiotics have extensive potential for therapeutic use, and we continue to discover their specific actions. The previous article looked at classification and the role of probiotics with regards to immune function and digestion, including autoimmunity, atopic skin reactions, and respiratory conditions.

  • Hypothyroidism: A Preliminary Look at Some Associations

    Hypothyroidism is one of the most common endocrine disorders worldwide. Hypothyroidism and subclinical hypothyroidism have a prevalence rate of 4–5% and 4–15%, respectively. The prevalence is around three to seven times higher in women than men, and its incidences proportionally increase with age.

  • The Disease of the Century

    Diabetes will be one of the most challenging health problems in the 21st century. Currently, 8.8% of Canadians live with diabetes and six million Canadians have prediabetes. One in three Canadians is living with diabetes or prediabetes. Since 2000, the rate has increased by an average of 3.3% per year. Estimates suggest that, unless we intervene, one in three children born in 2000 will eventually develop diabetes.

  • Managing Sensitive Skin

    A frequent and often frustrating challenge encountered in personal skin-care management is the experience of skin sensitivity. Compounding this situation is the notion of how, despite much recent research being directed toward its exploration, much is left unknown regarding this common cutaneous reaction.

  • Case Study: Empowered Approach to Fatigue

    One of the key tenants of naturopathic medicine is education. In fact, one of the guiding principles of Naturopathic Medicine is Doctor as Teacher . This principle highlights the empowering nature of naturopathic medicine. A naturopathic doctor simply provides the tools, education, and resources for each patient to work on their own healing.

  • Medicinal Mushrooms: An Immune Superfood and More

    For centuries, mushrooms have been foraged and added to soups and stews for their robust nutritional profile. Fungi are much smarter than we think for what simple organisms they are.

  • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

    Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) happens when overall bacterial population increases abnormally in the small intestine—especially types of bacteria not commonly found in that part of the digestive tract. Once they reside in the small intestine, they can cause numerous symptoms because they ferment foods like fibres and sugars, which would normally occur in the large intestine.

  • Probiotics

    The human digestive tract is a dynamic ecosystem made up of a rich and diverse microbiota consisting of bacteria, archaea, viruses, and fungi. Each person has a unique composition of microbiota, and the balance in this symbiotic relationship must be “respected in order to optimally perform metabolic and immune functions and prevent disease development.

  • Anxiety: An Integrative Approach

    The stresses of the last two years have created an epidemic of anxiety. In 2021, the rates of anxiety disorders across the population in the US were estimated at 19.1% in the past year and 31.1% in lifetime prevalence, which refers to the number of individuals ever having had the disease during their lifetime.

  • Naturopathic and Adjunctive Treatment Approaches for Vitiligo

    A variety of natural agents are being explored for their use and applicability in the management of vitiligo, particularly in combination with conventional treatments such as phototherapy. Encompassing dietary, oral supplement, and even topical measures, we will explore a selection of such agents.

  • Tips and Tricks for a Longer and Healthier Life

    Throughout the ages, humans have searched for the Fountain of Youth. Today, the search for eternal youth continues; however, we are no longer looking for a hidden fountain but instead, for lifestyle, dietary, and technological hacks we can use in attempts to delay the aging process.

  • Equanimity as a Guide to Healthier Relationships

    Naturopathic doctors talk a lot about our emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing since these—along with the physical—make up the four pillars of holistic health care.

  • Acupuncture Provides Pain Relief—How?

    Acupuncture is an ancient medicinal system in which fine needles are inserted into specific points on the body, with the purpose of managing disease and restoring function. Recent research has expanded our understanding of how acupuncture works on the body.

  • Topicals for Male and Female Pattern Hair Loss

    A common concern presenting in general practice is hair loss. Hair is an integral aspect of our identity and feelings of self-esteem, and it offers an element of aesthetic expression for many. To see it recede or thin can be a challenging experience. This article will first review notable information pertaining to the hair physiology, along with key aspects relating to male and female patterns of hair loss (androgenic alopecia).