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Editor's Letter

  • PCOS - What It Is and What to Do about It

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a misleading term, since it doesn’t always involve cysts in your ovaries. You might now be wondering why the heck PCOS is called that, then, and what it is anyway.

  • Why Mitochondria Are Much More than Powerhouses

    As holistic practitioners, we pride ourselves on the assessment of the whole body and our ability to make connections between systems. We have the time to fully investigate our patients and understand that many health concerns are deeply rooted. We tend to see the cases that haven’t found success in conventional therapies and the cases where nobody has any idea why the symptoms are happening at all. For us, this means going beyond symptoms and sometimes even to the basics of cellular biology.

  • Depression in Adulthood - Naturopathic Options

    College; it’s sometimes called “the best time in your life.” You have new people, new situations, a huge variety of extracurricular activities to choose from, all while learning about yourself and the world… It is a time full of potential!

  • Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

    A miscarriage is defined as a pregnancy loss occurring during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. An early pregnancy loss is defined as a pregnancy loss that occurs during gestational weeks 0–12 (the first trimester). About 15–20% of pregnancies end in pregnancy loss, with the majority—approximately 80%—occurring in the first trimester. Early pregnancy loss is most commonly caused by fetal chromosomal abnormalities.[1]

  • Chronic Pain

    According to Statistics Canada, 1 in 10 individuals between the ages of 12 and 44 experience chronic pain. Once traditional medicine has been helpful in the acute-pain stage (e.g. first aid, over-the-counter pain killers, heat/ice, etc.), modern medicine may leave individuals feeling lost when it comes to long-term management and reduction of chronic pain.

  • Fertility Awareness–Based Methods

    FertilityIt can be difficult for many women to find and utilize non hormonal options when it comes to fertility. This includes women who want to become pregnant but also those who are looking to avoid pregnancy. With many women and couples having misconceptions regarding the fertile period of a woman’s cycle, it is more advantageous to educate women on their fertile signs for greater chances of either conception or avoidance of conception.[1]

  • Skin Concerns

    Skin SurfaceOver the last number of years, the topic of acid-base balance has become a very popular health topic. The bulk of the focus has been on dietary means to support the body’s internal acid-base environment, so as to promote a more alkaline (base) milieu. Both diet and supplement measures have been theorized and/or explored for general health and in the management of specific concerns, such as osteoporosis.

  • Management of Chronic Cough

    FertilityA cough is one of the most common reasons people visit their doctor. Coughs are annoying, they’re loud and can disrupt sleep for an entire household. With most viral infections, a cough can stick around up to 2 weeks after the infection has cleared. But when a cough lasts longer than 8 weeks, it warrants further investigation.[1]

  • Botanicals for Pain Management

    BotanicalsIn light of its legalization in Canada, cannabis has been receiving a lot more attention lately, especially when it comes to its medicinal use and ability to help with pain management. While cannabis does seem to show promise in the area of pain management, what’s even more noteworthy is that all this hype can help increase awareness into the power of plants in general and the important role they can play in healing. Many plants have been used for centuries for concerns like pain management and now even have the research to back them up.

  • Progesterone Deficiency

    Progesterone DeficiencyProgesterone is a wonder hormone. We know that it is important with respect to reproduction, as it helps maintain a pregnancy; however, it is also extremely important for females who are not trying to conceive. Low progesterone has been a phenomenon I have noticed consistently in practice, affecting all ages from teens to menopausal females. But why?

  • Preparing for Conception

    Preparing FThinking of conceiving? You may have heard about the “100 days”—the time it takes for an egg to mature. For men, it takes about 80 days for sperm to mature. During this time of development and maturation, a woman’s follicles and a man’s sperm are extremely vulnerable to DNA damage from exposure to toxins, systemic or chronic inflammation, and nutrient deficiencies. This means that for many who are ready to or are thinking of conceiving in the not-so-far future, the health of their eggs and sperm can be greatly impacted before they are even released, either during ovulation or ejaculation. This is the window that we need to take advantage of, to increase the health of our eggs and sperm to increase the odds of a viable and healthy egg, and fertilization.

  • The Benefits of Breastmilk

    Benefits of BreastmilkThe value of breastmilk continues to grow as we discover additional properties and health benefits. It contains all the nutrients that a newborn requires, except for vitamin D, and life protecting antibodies that are custom made by mom in response to the unique dangers of her environment. However, recent research continues to uncover hidden treasures within this elixir of life. This article will review new studies and discuss the implication for infant development.

  • Seizures

    Seizures What comes to mind when you hear the word “seizure?” Having a seizure and/or witnessing a seizure can be a scary event. When a seizure happens, the neurons in the brain excessively and abnormally fire anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes, which causes changes in bodily control, behavior, sensation, and perception.

  • The Brain-Gut Connection

    The Brain-Gut Connection - Resetting and RebalancingNaturopathic doctors are holistic practitioners and see the body with all its connections. We believe the basis of all disease and illness begins in the gastrointestinal tract and the organs of detoxification. After all, if the entire tube from your mouth to your rear end is considered the outside of your body, the only way you have access to the food you eat is through the processes of digestion and absorption

  • Boosting Brain Health with Age

    Forgetfulness is often considered a normal part of aging. As we get older, we might all expect to notice changes in our memory, ability to focus, multitask and problem solve. Dementia is when these changes in cognition begin to impact daily functioning. With an aging population, dementia is expected to become the leading cause of disability worldwide by 2020 (4). Current treatments for dementia are limited and do not have great success rates. Finding ways to prevent, or at the very least slow the process of, age-related cognitive decline is tremendously important.