
Editor's Letter


December 2022

Dear readers,

Thanks for your support throughout 2022. We’re sure you’ll enjoy our new installment of teachings in natural medicine for 2023.

For our loyal readers worldwide, please note that from January 2023 the two official languages of the Naturopathic Currents will be English and French. Past translations into Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese remain available in the archives.

Let’s make wake way for our current edition!

Dr Rob Ayoup explores his second and final opus on the theme of ecology in skin care products, their life cycle, their eco-responsible ingredients and the resources available for better knowledge and consumption.

Dr. Kim Abog reviews pillars of nutraceuticals by specifying their dosages and bioavailability, with a focus on advances in research for vitamins D3, K2, B12 and iron.

Dr. Kaitlyn Zorn investigates natural and mental health tools to optimize cognitive performance and mental health, and the various nootropics available to support brain health.

Dr. Emily Gale reviews different hypotheses at the origin of Seasonal Affective Disorder — SAD — explains its environmental and biochemical causes and recalls naturopathic solutions to help with the winter blues.

Finally, Dr. Jil Northrup, like a sandman, takes us on a journey to the land of sleep with his antioxidant friend, melatonin exploring its many health benefits, including cardiovascular.

Best wishes to all, enlightened collaborators and faithful readers.

Guillaume Landry, MS, Naturopath