



by Dr. Christina Bjorndal, ND

Natural Terrain Naturopathic Clinic
200-6650 177th St NW
Edmonton, AB
T5T 4J5















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Stressors may be structural, chemical, biological, mental, or emotional in origin, but no matter what the source, the stressor should be identified and acknowledged, and then strategies worked out to manage that stressor in a way that is acceptable to you and compatible with your life goals.

As your ability to manage stress effectively improves, your immune system will begin to function better. Your resistance to all types of disease will improve, and the complaints you presently have will get better.

Naturopathic Doctors Treat Acute Conditions.

NDs are trained in emergency medicine, but will always refer people to the appropriate emergency medical care when the situation warrants it.

There are, however, many unpleasant acute conditions for which we can offer help to you and your family, as NDs are trained to be primary-care physicians. Many distressing conditions affecting children and adults can be quickly improved to help you avoid pain, loss of sleep, loss of work, and anxiety. Naturopathic remedies are healthful—they work in harmony with your body and have few side effects.

Naturopathic Health Care Is for Children

Naturopathic health care is for children as well as young people and adults. The sooner you act to safeguard and maintain the natural pristine health of a newborn baby, the fewer the problems later on. You can do no greater service for your children than to support their health and give them an informed healthy start to life.

Your Naturopathic Doctor - What Should You Expect?

Our contemporary environment—our culture and belief systems, as well as our physical environment—generates stressors of many kinds that affect your children. The impressions created by commercial interests and the media as to what constitutes a good diet for your child can often lead to erroneous beliefs.

A deeper knowledge of nutrition can make a significant difference to your child’s present and future health. As NDs, we like to teach our patients about the many factors that can impact your child’s health, and how to better manage these influences.

Naturopathic Health Care Is Different

Some of the concepts which you will encounter in our clinic will be new to you, but we will always take the time to explain to you the reasons behind the things we will be doing, and may also recommend some reading material.

Perhaps the most different—and for many the most challenging—aspect of naturopathy is that patients are encouraged to participate in their recovery and health promotion. Many conditions can be treated with minimal participation on your part, but the results in terms of your ongoing freedom from illness and distress are achieved when you are actively involved.

The Doctor as Teacher

“Docere,” the Latin word for “to teach,” is the origin of our word “doctor.” One of the goals of NDs is to be educators—to share with you a broad and objective view of the factors which affect your health. NDs reach deeply into scientific and medical research. In addition, we study traditional healing knowledge from around the world. As a result, we can offer you principles for healthy living, as well as specific solutions for specific problems.

The emphasis is to provide you and your family members with knowledge and understanding—the essential tools necessary for you to progress confidently towards better health. One side benefit, which may appeal to you, is that living according to naturopathic principles is holistic and benefits not just the people who practice it, but the whole planet, too.